Awakening Human Design Analysts
The Professional Phone is Ringing. Will you answer the Call?
IHDS Human Design Analyst Teacher Laveena Archers
One of the most profound tools for awakening awareness, the poignant language Ra gave us in the Rave I'Ching is "part haiku, part dictionary."
The Rave I'Ching describes the 64 Hexagrams (Gates) and describes each of the six lines for each Gate. In the Rave I-Ching, Ra has given us names of the Incarnation Crosses, our Life's Work, and the highest expression of purpose.
Newcomers tend to over-identify with details and forget we can never take one Gate or Live in isolation.
Our job as analysts is to decipher the elements in context to a being's quantum intelligence.
Over-analyzing one specific Line of a chart is tricky. We need to continually come back to the surface's frequency because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. One Gate plus one Gate in a channel is not only about the gate description or even the lines therein. It now encompasses a unique life force frequency in context to the entire Design.
Remember the Personality is a third of what you are, the Design is a third of what you are, and the Quantum of the two is more than the sum of the parts (one plus one equals three). We need to always bring our analysis of a chart home to the context of the Quantum.
When you put too much focus on just a part of the chart and don't look at that part without bringing it back to the whole, your analysis might not help someone as much as giving them all of the valuable information that can lead them to develop their self-awareness.
When in Doubt, Zoom Out
Feeling stuck? I like to say, "When in doubt, zoom out."
Remember to keep in mind the Type, Strategy, Authority, defined centers/channels/gates when you look at a line.
Look at the big picture and do your best to practice describing what you see in context.
I notice the way they teach us to do this at IHDS leads to horrendous run-on sentences. What to do? It is what it is. At some point, you get good at pausing, breathing, touching in with your client's receptivity and presence to the information you are conveying to them.
In an analysis...
Ask Yes/No Questions of Generators. Invite the Projector's Seeing of Others. Inform of thier Impact, to Impact Manifestors. Initiate the Reflector to their Objectivity.
Genetic Continuity
When you study enough Human Design, you come across the term "genetic continuity." Besides all lines of similar values relating to each other, the pieces of every chart you encounter seem to have a recurring theme or pattern.
The genetic continuity related to the Type/Strategy/Authority/Profile/Cross is a breathtaking symphony of keynotes that speaks to the nature of a person's Being and what they are learning or where they are nurtured.
This theme you see is consistent breathing in or out of the Being's expression and living of their life. You come across paradox and complexities that are to be brought into a contextual relationship to the whole.
The Rave I-Ching is a kind of poetry. It takes time to "grok" the lines. The "This" and "That" is a generality of two extreme polarities in most cases. You are very specific, and so are your clients.
On his deathbed, Confucious said he wished he could have more time to learn from the Book of Changes: "Give me a few more years so that I can devote fifty years to study Change, and I may be free from great mistakes." The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes can take a lifetime to understand.
Similarly, the Rave I-Ching lines take time, and they can make more sense when applied in context with the entire chart. Here are my Type recommendations to learn these Lines.
If you're a Generator, would you like to start with your own lines, to map and meditate on over time?
If you are a Projector, I suggest you read the lines of the people you know best or spend the most time observing in aura.
Manifestors need to understand their Impact.
Reflectors, can you study the lunar Transits?
In my Professional Analyst Training classes, we offer you a 64 digital set of flashcards as seen below. You can print them out and laminate for study purposes.
Image by Naraya Fox
On every Flashcard, you will see the "chop" or image for the Hexagram, with a colored drop shadow to help you remember the elements that create the Hexagram. We've started with the I-Ching name and the Gate description, along with the Center it is in, and the keynoting Ra gave us for each Line. These are intended to help you remember what the nature of each Line is about for each Gate. You don't have to memorize all of it right away. It is helpful to get into the practice of speaking this language and seeing what magic it holds for both you and your clients.
When you read the Rave I-Ching Lines, for most, there are two sets of definitions. One sounds positive (Exaltation), and one seems negative (Detriment). These are two sides of the same coin. It is the "this" and the "that" of the Line. Some people think of it as the light and the dark. I like to label it as Ease and Challenge. Who doesn't like a good challenge? Ra liked the Detriments. He thought of them as very honest. The collective tends to see the Detriments as "bad" or "wrong" and the Exaltation as "good" or "right." Remember, Human Design is not about these things. It's about accepting everything in alignment and watching as the Observer.
We all get to experience the This and the That. When we follow our Strategy and Authority, we may experience more ease. When we are acting from the "not-self," we may encounter more of the challenge. Yet, those challenges are there for a reason. Certain people will influence you to express the challenge, which colors the nature of your relationships with them. No choice.
Ra said he wrote the Rave I-Ching for the "not-self" because you tend to vacillate between the extremes when you are misaligned with your true nature. The not-self thinks in very black and white thinking, without any shades of grey. When you begin to live life uniquely, you become aware of the widespread rainbow of colors rather than just this and that. Ra said we could all write our own Rave I-Ching at some point because we are, each of us, very, very unique.
Do you recognize yourself or others in each of these areas when you read your lines? What can you learn from accepting the nature of your Being, your Seeing, your living, breathing ALIVENESS?
Often when placed into context, the Line's name says it all, and you don't have to read the entire description of the Lines to your client. Speak from grokking, in context, and you can convey the meaning with so much for than words. The tone of your voice, the keynote names you choose to emphasize, the pauses in sentences, and inflection can give substance to the way you string together your words. Even if someone doesn't "get" it right away (and many won't), you're speaking the language that can unlock their genetic potential, and the keynotes take time to work their magic.
I can still remember how strongly the words "You're here to Mutate the System" rang in my ears from the first professional Analyst reading I got from Kumud. Did I know then what that meant? Heck no! In the last couple of years, I have seen how my teaching way changes, morphs, and mutates as my Design's embodiment deepens. A Manifestor makes an Impact. A Projector takes that Impact and softens it for use with their Others. No wonder I not only took Ra's recommendations of learning from fellow Projectors like Darshana and Becky, but I also gravitated to listen to Ra, Genoa, Alok and Lynette over the years!
Some lines are a learning process, and some lines speak to the quality of you.
Hexagram Line Speak
The 1st line description for each Gate will give you the foundation of that Hexagram.
The 2nd line description for each Gate will provide you with the natural projection of that Hexagram.
The 3rd line description for each Gate will give you the material way of that Hexagram.
The 4th line description for each Gate will provide you with the externalization of that Hexagram.
The 5th line description for each Gate will give you what others project upon that Hexagram is.
The 6th line description for each Gate will provide you with the transitional nature of that Hexagram.
In some cases of Line descriptions, there are one-sentence line introductions in blue. This is not the case for all lines. When there is a blue description, it means that this is what you are learning about over your lifetime. Like how 6th Lines have a maturity process, so do the Line descriptions in blue. If there is no blue description, then it is a given. Blue lines are not a given, they are to be learned.
In the Rave I'Ching book, you will see a planet glyph associated with the lines listed next to them.
Because the planets are in a particular position in the sky at the moment of birth and they will activate the Hexagram and a line within that Hexagram when you are born.
When planets activate certain lines, they "fix" that Line either in detriment or Exaltation. The up pointed pyramid notes this or the down pointed pyramid-shaped triangle you will see on your chart and all the Line descriptive pages in the Complete Rave I-Ching.
Some things Ra has said over the years touch me very deeply. This audio clip is one of them. Awareness is everything in Human Design.
The longer I have experimented, the easier it is to allow communication to flow without self-censoring or holding back because of the mind's fears.
Live your Design, and the Awareness you can communicate becomes richer, deeper, and more rainbow-like, shining like the sparkling dew in a garden of roses.
The more Unique your perspective, the more profound your Awareness, the more YOU you become.
Giving this gift of seeing to our clients, students, friends and family, when asked for, is one of the sweetest things I have experienced.
It is my desire that you too give this gift to yourself, and to the world.
Namaste, beloveds.