I'd like you to meet Athena (image below). I am one of her new humans. =) She is a Border Collie puppy, and she has a Mammalian Reflective design. Her only activation is Uranus in 27.6, and thanks to Gate 50 coming up in Analyst Discussion class this past week, I realized I'd named her after the godhead of my Dreamrave weak point, which is Gate 50 (oops! Oh well!). Minerva is what Ra used for that area of the Mandala wheel, and Athena is another name for Minerva. Interestingly, my Analyst Teacher trainer, Lynette told me she "had a dear friend with a Border Collie named Athena - smartest dog she ever met!" Yep, they sure are.
Everything, everything, everything in our Maia has a Design. Even our individual cells in our bodies. Even inanimate objects (Gate 25, Innocence; the Spirit of the Self).
We are all objects moving in space, with our own gravitational pull—to encounter people, places, and things our Magnetic Monopole draws us towards, whether we have a planet in Gate 2 (home of the monopole) or not.
Ra described the Monopole like the arm of a streetcar, pulling us along our path in our trajectory in space, choicelessly.
"Choicelessness is our grace." Ra
The further away you are from walking your path in alignment, the more resistance (anger, frustration, bitterness, disappointment) you feel in your life.
The closer you are to your own Spirit which is the essence of one's Signature (Peace, Satisfaction, Success, Surprise) the more these things shine through us, and are expressed in the important areas of our lives that make us feel alive.
Even our homes have a form, energy, and a Spirit we can feel, sense, touch, or know; imbibed with a consciousness all its own. Anything inanimate has gate 25; the design of a single cell has gates 3, and the channel 5-15. Here are the rest of the Design of Forms (introduced in our Rave Cartography class):
My husband and I are both Mountain Outer Determination (our Primary Health System Environment) people. Mountain people tend to prefer less densely populated areas, with broad expansive views from on high. He is passive, I am active. Within months of when we first met, without even knowing about our PHS yet, he invited me out of San Diego and up into the high California mountains, where we lived both together and apart for most of my Human Design experiment. We recently bought a home out in the high desert (around 4,000' elevation) countryside, our first house together, with escrow closing after the lockdowns.
Our previous mountain home was in Mount Shasta, California before we moved to Sedona, Arizona
Because he is a 5/1 (they are very private people), I'm honoring his request to not show interior photos of our home. So I'll do my best to describe the feeling of it. Feeling is my cognition. =)
From the road, its unassuming structure is perched on a hill with sweeping views of a lush, verdant valley thanks to a winding creek, vineyards, green pastures with horses, cows, goats, chickens, dogs, homes, and their people. It is s two-story structure built into the ridge of a hillside. The lower level, (his) floor has west-facing windows with the exception of one south and one north, bringing in the warmth and light to heat the coolness of his Earth-facing walls on the east.
It's perfect, really. He's a Hot and I'm Cold Inner Determination Primary Health System (see playlist below for an overview of the Radical Transformations in Human Design). We prefer vastly different temperatures and humidity levels, especially since I'm living with Hashimotos. So he not only gets his own floor and living spaces, this means thankfully he gets his own climate controls and so do I! To learn more
It's really nice to have my husband and I have the same Channel of Recognition, a Design of Focused Energy (to Feel) also known as the Strength of Imagination, as our authoritative channel. When we walked into this house, it was easy for us to feel the call of how it had sat empty for over three years, just waiting for us, its next family to care for, protect and love. Yes, love. Inanimate Objects have a design with a Trait of Innocence, the Gate of the Spirit of the Self. This is the transcendent love of All-That-Is, which provides a place to Be Love, and is the life-blood of our design. Literally, Gate 25 is correlated biologically with the blood in Human Design.
From driving by in Fall to visiting several times over winter to feel it out and photograph repeatedly (I love taking pictures!), and closing escrow in Spring, it rightly took us more than several months from finding it to getting clear on buying it. This is correct for Emotional Beings. He is Outer Vision, I am Feeling cognition. I knew the fourth and last time we went to visit as I caressed the carefully crafted custom surfaces that I loved this house; I could feel this was "it" and that it loved me back.
Homes or objects innocently Be, providing the place for us to discover our own identity in partnership with what Ra called the "bi-verse" that is us and is seen all around us.
Time spent in places affects our spirit. The buildings we inhabit affect the quality of our health, not just because of the materials they are created from. They have a design all their own. They are extensions of one's body; the mind as we know it depends on the structure of the brain to provide its sensory cognition. So too, our body depends on the structures of our world to give us sensory experiences and space or opportunity to be our differentiated selves within our lives.
With Venus in the Gate 21, I have always loved houses and homes of all kinds. One of my favorite jobs was staging, photographing, and showing homes when I was a Real Estate Broker in California.
My father was a plasterer when I was growing up, and I enjoyed that so much about the homes he built for us to live in. So when I walked into the house I immediately fell in love with its earthen-colored plastered walls, the natural smoothed texture so pleasing to feel and touch. Splashes of light teal and yellows contrasting with creams and reds pleased my eyes and lifted the corners of my mouth in delight.
Space is an incredible resource and a precious kind of wealth in this heavily-populated world we now live in. Being able to have and spend my time in a way that works for my physical limits as I mature feels successful. Projectors who have not yet deconditioned are addicted to the Sacral world. My most common noticing of Projectors in my observations of what they say is how much smaller their world gets, when they aren't out there chasing others and initiating going places to attract attention.
Space and time, two intangible gifts that give based on the interaction of our form within them. Gifts I have ever so much of thanks to my Human Design Experiment.
When this home first captured our attention, I imagined facilitating private and small group retreats here. With Channel 1-8 as part of my Incarnation Cross, I am designed to successfully lead a small group (3-5 people). One of Ra's fantasies he shared in the Differentiation Degree program I took over the past three years was to have a retreat center that offered services and lodging based on a person's Primary Health System, and before I knew about how truly private my husband is (it was a no to strangers coming over), I imagined this home could serve for that. As soon as I accepted his boundaries and had no problem with his wishes, he changed his mind! Now, it's a matter of right timing and people, as I must protect my body and energy levels as much as I protect my Aura. Until then, that daydream remains happily experienced in the realm of fantasy.
We often joke that our house would make a great human design sitcom. That's definitely a fantasy best left in the daydream category! When they are together my husband and 1/3 daughter often have me in stitches (a phrase used for laughter so hard it makes your sides hurt as if you'd just sprinted), and it is so much fun to live in a household filled with tons of fun, instead of the screaming, yelling and crying I remember growing up as a child. In this house, if I scream because I get startled by a bug or something, my husband can't even hear me on his floor!
I can't tell you how healing it is for me to live this way; if you experienced a broken household where people were yelling at each other when you were growing up, I imagine you know what I mean.
Although I loved the Sedona townhome (pic below) we rented before, the proximity to neighbors and busy streets never felt truly comfortable. Nor was it nearly as peaceful as the quiet solitude this place provides, far enough away from freeways to never hear interstate vehicle noise. All kinds of little birds and big ones like hawks, ravens, owls, roadrunners, desert cottontail bunnies, coyotes, javelina, and deer are heard and seen more often than neighbors here. The vast open space here with its cyclic and dramatic Monsoon weather feels free from the hectic pressure of societies' pulse and flow I can feel in any city.
In early 2018 during an intense time of shattering the old constructs of what I thought myself to be, I spent some three months living on the road while teaching Human Design, mostly online. As I journeyed through America, I wandered to explore the artistic communities and spiritual people and places that invited me.
I stayed with a Human Designer in Santa Fe who is a Living Your Design Guide and audited the very first LYD I ever taught, and runs her own one-on-one Human Design study vacations. She was wise enough to know that inviting just one person at a time over was the right way to mutate them with her design, which on the surface looks strikingly like mine.
Taos, New Mexico is not far north of Santa Fe and was another place Ra spent time in here in the states that I longed to experience. I housesat a beautiful home there and was invited by a fellow Human Designer I explored the area with to stay at an empty monastery named Hokoji. Another solitary sanctuary that invited and taught me the blessings of privacy and aloneness.
In Taos, there is a community of what is known as "Earth Ships." An Earthship is a state-of-the-art, off-grid, eco-friendly building with all the luxuries of a conventional house and more. I stayed in an Earthship there with a skylight over the bed, and the home had curved adobe walls and slanted windows that let in the sun to grow indoor gardens, and the night sky to nourish indoor inhabitants with its spectacular sky bursting with countless stars.
"The Grass is Always Greener..."
One of the things I know to be true is that the conditioned mind is never satisfied for long in terms of material accomplishment. Once an achievement is made (X money made, X amount in the bank, X certification, X relationship, etc) it's off on some other grander desire.
When you awaken, the very first sign is that of acceptance of the life you have, not the one you thought you should have had.
The truth for me is, the point is not the accomplishment, it is the feeling of SHARING the experiences lived along this path on this journey. And many of those experiences I daydream of having are best lived in fantasy, as I've learned along the way, the hard way in true 3rd line style (my Recognition channel has 3rd lines at both ends of it!).
Though my mind always fantasizes
about what could be
if things were different
(my conscious design strength, 41-30),
until the invitation, recognition,
and clarity of energy show up,
this windswept world is now home,
where my fur babies are,
where my family is,
and it is a private palace
filled with healthful things to do,
places to play,
with time and space
enough for each of us
to be ourselves when away.
The establishment of this new way of Being Yourself as your own Authority, in your own Aura, changes your body at a cellular level. Your senses are heightened, your sensitivity to energy is refined and awareness expands. For me, life feels so much freer, and my road to health another journey of the awakening process. If abundance is there for us in any form, it is there for us because of the nature of this life experience in our current life cycle, not because of anything "who you think you are" did. Watch the movie, surrender to your design, and your life is perfectly financed. If you’re interested in my Human Design Professional Guidance, check out the year of coaching below!
We are all enthralled so deeply in the Maia, as it is the most entertaining thing there is. And sometimes, we get to peek our head through the sky, see the mechanics of that which is beyond and thank our lucky stars that we are fortunate enough to be here now.
Be you, for you, and get the life you need for the fulfillment of your highest purpose. Whether your Spirit is designed to shine with sweet success, satisfaction, peace, or surprise, I wish you the discovery of the truth that is already right there inside of you, just waiting to be experienced.
Love Yourself,