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Human Design Transit Watch: Sun in Gate 42 Line 3 and Earth in Gate 32 Line 3

Human Design Transit - April 12th, 2022

42 - Increase - The Gate of Growth
The expansion of the resources which maximizes the development of full potential.

3rd line - Trial and error
In times of increase, mistakes are a natural part of the process.
♂ Δ The energy and assertion to turn mistakes into advantages. The power to accept mistakes as part of growth.

☾ ߜ A moodiness, that in error may succumb to brooding and unnecessary caution. Mistakes give power to moodiness and caution.

32 - Duration - The Gate of Continuity
The only thing which endures is change.

3rd line - Lack of continuity

☿ Δ Indecision and persistent reevaluation, that only because of its basic intelligence manages to endure. Indecision in times of transformation.

♃ ߜ An overreliance on traditionally legitimized standards that in times of change can be totally out of step and suffer unexpected humiliation. A lack of instinct in times of transformation.

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