Sun in Gate 60 line 5! What are you noticing today?
Posted by Andréa Abay-Abay on Friday, January 20, 2017
You can't Judge a Person by Their Human Design Type
Why Does the Human Design System Label People?
Remember when you were a child and you were given the label of flower for those bright explosions of color that riot throughout springtime? You noticed that plants are different not only between species but also within, depending on where and how they were grown. Each has a Signature, the spirit of its life-force expression.
But something gets lost when we label things. Have you noticed how labeling leads to stereotyping? We think we know a thing from the label, and then we may take it for granted. It’s important not to get caught up in labeling people without taking the time to honor each as the unique masterpiece they are.
In regards to Human Design, what it all comes down to is that the Types were developed by the founder of this system, Ra Uru Hu, as a way of simplifying the bodygraph information, to make it easy for a newcomer to grasp the fundamentals of decision-making immediately and experiment.
A common concern I've encountered in my professional work with Human Design: does my Type mean I can't do what the other Types do? For example, Generators want to know if they can guide others. Projectors want to know if they can manifest.
You know how everyone says...
“You can’t judge a book by its cover”?
This phrase of speech tells us that you can’t always trust what you see. It says look deeper, beyond outward appearances.
It’s a rare person who doesn’t draw some opinion about others based on initial observations. Rarer still are individuals who are skeptical of their original judgment of others’ appearance, behavior or the sound of their speech, allowing that perception to change due to evidence contradicting it.
You and I both know that when it comes to people, it takes mental work not to slip into this superficiality. Wouldn’t you agree that many people naturally draw conclusions about others based on what they say they do for fun or work? "I'm a lawyer," or "I'm a librarian," instantly conjures up judgments about who that person is.
When I first came to Human Design, I was told:
“you’re likely a Generator.”
Just as you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t judge a person by their bodygraph, and you can’t judge them by how they initially appear because many are not living their true selves. Every single individual is entirely unique, and Human Design can show you how to get beyond the homogenized outside appearances to the authentic nature of every person.
It turned out, I'm a Projector. Deeply conditioned to "work hard" my whole life, and burning myself out repeatedly in the process.
Human Typing Systems
If you take a look around you at the world today, you’ll see a lot of methodologies for “Typing” someone. Everything from blood typing to hair typing, to Myers-Briggs, Enneagram and Generational Types.
But the Human Design System offers far more that just a Type. This system goes deep into the core of a person, showing us what makes each individual. It’s not about taking tests or answering a ton of questions—all that's needed is your precise birth time, date and location. Because this science is based on your genetic imprinting using a combination of modern and ancient observational sciences, you’ll find it a highly accurate tool for self-discovery.
Most people’s minds measure and compare how other people dress, what they drive, and especially how they talk—do they sound educated or not? Value judgments on whether or not it would be advantageous to connect with and know them or not ensue.
I notice the same thing happens in the Human Design System with people looking at each other's charts. Whether it is projected, implied, misunderstood or a natural consequence of the hierarchical nature of our seven-centered ancestors that we are still in the midst of shedding the habits of, I see it occur.
Human Design Types
I feel you can't judge a person simply by their Type. Yes, the generalizations of Type are there to help us read and understand the map as well as how to navigate by it are based on the definition. But the map is not the territory. It is a snapshot of the energetics at your birth, the potentials that are there are up to you to discover. One of my favorite Human Design Analyst teachers constantly reminds us to go beyond the words to look at the energetics. What do the words point to?
To understand each other, we need to move beyond what we think we know about others from external appearances—and even their bodygraph. Human Design offers us the graphical representation of the energetics and the keys that point to what a person is. Just as a map is simply a piece of paper, not the land mass it represents, so too is the bodygraph a collection of symbols we analysts are trained to read. Like how every computer has a model number or name that indicate general characteristics, while there may be all kinds of software on there that differentiates it from others of the same brand, make and model. The map shows the binary of our hardware (design) and software (personality) and the synthesis of the two shows the likely potentials but is not the entire picture of the person it represents.
Yes, when you are educated in the Human Design System you can look at the bodygraph and see compelling and accurate clues about someone as far as what makes them tick. You can draw conclusions about them that can be very telling about the pain and suffering they've been through. You can even run their Life Cycle charts to see the learning programs they face and get the flavor of their current opportunities and challenges.
We cannot judge anyone, even people we think we know—because our perception could never see all the elements at work in other’s lives. We can’t know exactly the scenarios of what life holds for them, we cannot know everything of their past or future. Even getting in their aura and spending a good amount of time with them, it takes years to know another, truly, deeply—and all you ever know is the version of them they become around you.
Despite the fact that in the Human Design System we have four Aura Types—and in the BG5 business language that would be four Career Types—there are billions of variations of how each of these Types shows up. When you take it down to the deeper levels, we are all here with the potential to be vastly different. Even twins born to the same parents at nearly the same time are very, very different, seen at the depth of differentiation below the surface of the bodygraph that you can delve into with Primary Health System and Rave Psychology. The unseen aspects that make them unique are the fact that no two people can occupy the same space at the same time, and so the conditioning they experience further differentiates them.
Judging A Person By Their Type
Once you grasp who you and others are are here to be, “judging the book by its cover”—or a person by their Type—happens less as you open up to the possibilities of how everyone, every single one of us, is here to be like snowflakes; incredibly, utterly unique.
Still wondering about that common question among newcomers? Yes—energy types (Manifestors, Generators) can guide others. Many of them may have Projected elements in prominent places in their design, channels that are there to be recognized and invited to help others to success. Non-energy Types (Projectors, Reflectors) can manifest and generate, although it is generally in partnership with others. These rarer Types have no consistent access to energy (as the energy types do) and they are here to be specialists:
Projectors in advising the process of successful manifestation and effective generation, primarily in partnership with one person at a time, though a few are designed to perform group roles for short periods of time.
Reflectors in evaluating who/what is different and being a barometer of how things are going in their community/business.
The Human Design Aura Types (the BG5 Career Types) give us the general thematics that show up in people and the way of understanding the energetic potentials.
What Human Design Is Good For
Human Design is to help you figure out how to be and love yourself; it is not to provide a label for judgment. In fact, Human Design is an amoral system - there is no "good" or "bad" here. The labels simplify the layers and layers of complexity that is us. Human Design can be a tool to help us understand people, but is mostly and most importantly a system to help you navigate your interaction style and decision-making in the world. Others may be not-self or self and most are a mixture of both. We are not our bodygraph; we are intricately designed beings changing in the neverending now... with what we see, how we feel, who we are, what we do, how we act. Seeing our charts gives us potentials—it by itself does not show what we will or will not do with the possibilities there. We are the only ones who can experience how our design relates to us over time. You Design shows you what is most you, and others can never actually comprehend the totality of who you are. When you are operating in tune with your Design, you can live out your incredible uniqueness and differentiation, transcending labels.
Remember that the most practical use for Human Design is that it’s about our decision-making as ourselves. Commune with others when it's in alignment with your authentic energy flow, discerning by attraction, resonance, and harmony to find balance, fulfillment and joy. Does that make sense? Would you like to share your thoughts or experiences on this topic in the comments below?
By Andrea Abay-Abay
How to Live Your Human Design Life Purpose Fulfillment
Living Your Human Design Awakening Free Introductory Class
In this video, I introduce you to some key Human Design concepts so that by the end of it you know "What is Human Design?"
7 Qualities You Should Look for in Your Human Design Guide
The fastest way
to discover the life
you were born for
is to experiment with
your Human Design.
Human Design gives us a framework and decision-making tools to experiment with. Experience gains us a personal perspective that changes the way we see everything. Everyone is asked to experiment with it for themselves. Try things and see what resonates, what works. Here are my personal perspectives on what to look for in a Human Design Life Coach.
If you’ve ever played sports, you’ve had a coach. I was lucky enough to have a coach when I was into triathlon competitions as a teenager. He and my training partners helped me qualify for and complete an Ironman Triathlon World Championship at age 19. I know I could never have accomplished that so young without their guidance, and no way I could have done that alone.
Ironman Triathlon World Championship Finish line via
In the long run, finding the right mentors helps you not only succeed, it can also save you time and money by avoiding mistakes and staying focused on what's important for success.
Certified Living Your Design Guides like myself are able to take you through the Living Your Design Program, designed to help coach you to - you guessed it, live your design. Some guides are a better match for you than others. Nothing personal, just mechanics.
I see an abundance of life coaches selling their services to people and the general market seems saturated. But when it comes to people guiding you to be in alignment with your Human Design, using one of the most accurate systems of self-knowledge on the planet - there are precious few of us. All professional Human Design Guides can be found here.
Before you decide on a particular Human Design Guide, the following considerations might help you. But it all comes down to your decision-making Strategy and process of personal Authority.
1. Empowering Presence
In my experience, people can be brought up or down by hanging out with others holding either a positive or a negative attitude. Having an empowering attitude comes with experience and perspective.
You'll recognize if you resonate to the right coach for you by seeing how you feel when you talk with them. An experienced guide knows a sense of lightness about it yet recognizes the depth needed to empower change. A great guide can assist you in looking at problems as opportunities for growth - everyone of them with a unique perspective. For example, some like me (I have the 1-8) are expressive, creative role models of being personally self-empowered. A great role model heads in her unique direction without a concern of what others are doing or whether or not anyone else is following. She just goes where she goes and sets a public example, empowering others by her living example. Helpful coaches are able to recognize your role in the big picture and ask questions that empower you to see it too.
Your ideal coach is patient, but also committed to your growth - empowered by your recognition of their skills, having persistence and determination to help you succeed.
2. Experiential Knowledge
My Unconscious Core Essence. Rave I-Ching image via
Your Human Design Guide should walk their talk. An important thing to look for is his or her experience. Do they have personal knowledge of the experiences you are dealing with or contemplating?
Would you consider someone who has paid their dues when it comes to life experience and can share from that place of knowing? Does this person share what they have both failed and succeeded at, and what they learned from it?
This kind of experiential wisdom can help you avoid making mistakes or when you do make the ones they warn you about, your chance of success increases immensely because you'll better recognize what happened and how you can avoid that same mistake in the future.
Check their testimonials - are they posted on their own website or are they recommended on social media, like Facebook, Google or Yelp reviews and LinkedIn Recommendations? What are former students saying about him or her? Is what’s being said detailed and personal? Does it feel authentic and in alignment with what you hope to experience?
3. Depth of Expertise in their Field
Most people would agree that successful people can have a broad range of knowledge and experience but tend to dive deep to specialize in a specific area of study. When contemplating a professional Human Design Guide:
- Does your potential guide exhibit the commitment to dedicate themselves to their area of expertise?
- Do they continue to hone their skills, knowledge or interests?
- Do they teach or lecture, give talks or do events?
- Has he or she an active blog, or perhaps written an e-book, or started a YouTube channel or Podcast? Do other people recommend them and their program in discussion groups?
- Are they a dedicated professional or are they just moonlighting?
My Conscious Personality Core Essence. Rave I-Ching image via
Note: Not that moonlighters can't be good guides for others. But it is a fact that someone who tries to be a Jack of All Trades without that particular channel (36-35) may not be the efficient, effective specialist of sharing the experience you're hoping for. Even as a full-time student/professional working in Human Design these last few years, there are many avenues left to explore and I refer out to my Human Design colleagues regularly. If the person you are contemplating inviting to guide you is a part-timer, is there a resonance you can't deny drawing you to them? Are they comfortable referring you on to someone who is certified for deeper level information when it's time for you to move on?
4. Ability to Share
Black = Logic (understanding) Circuit Red=Sensing (abstract/experiential) Circuit
A great Human Design life coach is willing to listen to and share either logical patterns they recognize are viable for a secure future or the remembrances of past experiences and the feelings they bring to help illustrate a point. Not just the good, but the bad too, to give you the whole picture. If you get the feeling your coach is holding back the bad and oversharing the good, question them if you need real emotional support. Most of us learn very well from actual experience; we learn best from real-life stories of those who are willing to be vulnerable and transparent, even when it's painful.
5. Professionalism
A good professional life coach knows how to customize their approach to your specific design and how you best learn and absorb information. No one fits into a one-size-fits-all approach, and this is graphically depicted in your Human Design Chart. As Living Your Design Guides we are taught to take someone through the important basics they need to know. Your Human Design Guide should be willing to customize your life coaching experience. Ask:
My Conscious Grounding and Balance. Rave I-Ching image via
- Does your coach demonstrate caring about your concerns and help meet you where you're at?
- Can they guide you in a step by step fashion through the Human Design foundations if that's the best approach for you?
- Can they laser focus on getting you through the current crisis with solutions if that's what's needed?
- Can they coach you in a way that helps you discover your innate wisdom and power, which is unique to every individual?
5. The Network
A great life coach has developed relationships with fellow professionals and others who could benefit you. A great Human Design Guide knows when to refer their client out when they are ready for deeper levels of exploration, and who best to refer them to so that a likely match is made. Ask him or her if they're willing to refer you or make introductions for you. For those with 4th line Profiles especially, it is about who you know.
6. Authenticity and Accountability
A good Human Design Guide / Life Coach helps keep you authentic and accountable. From deep discussions to just touching base, it's important for both of you to know that you are progressing in awareness and ability to discern correct action for yourself. Many people come to Human Design HATING THE WRONG PERSON. They don't like themselves and think they aren't what they should be. If your guide doesn’t keep you focused on what's important (defined) in your design and how you're here to be you, that’s a big red flag.
My Unconscious Grounding & Balance. Rave I-Ching image via
7. A Gifted Teacher
Great Human Design Guides love to help other people. They enjoy the act of teaching.
Teaching is something that all Human Design Professionals are trained to do, be it specifically defined in their chart or not. It's a skill that people can get better at over time. There's something truly magical about being someone who is designed to teach at the unconscious level. Here you see how I personally make my contribution in the world when recognized and invited to bring my power skills to the table.
We Each Are Here for our "Fractal" of People
It’s impossible for us humans to be everything to everyone - we are all designed to be specialists, and each of us are here for a particular group of people, what Ra called our "fractal". The most important thing is, according to Strategy and Authority, are they right for you?
My perspective is that "Truth" and knowledge is personal knowing melded with experience. Knowing cannot always be explained, and experience is subjective, individual - some of us live in completely different realities!
I do my best to be open to all kinds of possibilities and imaginatively explore the realms of life, guiding others who are drawn through my example, leading through creative self-expression.
My feeling is that everyone has the possibility of experiencing their own reality from a unique perspective and can only discover truth for themselves. So many nuances of individual imprinting, the potentials are incredible!
When we differentiate in experience we can have delightful meetings of perspective. With language, we can point at an individual truth with words but it seems to me that personal truths, our quiet, inner knowing (that has nothing to prove to anyone) are discovered ourselves over time with experience. We all change with time and grow to mature through discovery and learning.
When you study with someone who has been successful at guiding others through their designs, you increase your chances of successfully experimenting. Your Human Design Guide has already devoted the time to learning and experimenting themselves. To absorb all of the benefits you can out of him or her, there are certain qualities in them you can look for - not only generally speaking, but also there are ways we "resonate" to each other. All of us have qualities of connecting to each other in very specific ways which make it easier to "get" what the other has for us.
My 2016 Solar Return Chart
One interesting side-note if you are a coach or guide yourself is to look at your nodal environments for your human design and applicable life cycles. It's fun to see people with these as their themes show up in your life and watch how the movie changes based on the season of your life. For example, this year I got to experience a lot of new people in my life I was attuned to with variations of the 47, 22, 46 and 25th gates in their design. Particularly Cross of Rulership people.
I love that when one person teaches, two people learn.
As a 3rd line personality, I'm all about the experiential road of learning through trial and error. I'm very grateful to the hundreds of people I've encountered over the years who I have shared my feelings and experiences with, and who have shared their journey with me as I bang along making my mistakes on the path of growth.
Because I am an Advisor and Certified Human Design Guide, I can help you on the path to your highest level of potential and fulfillment quickly. Giving the Human Design Life a go without the help of someone who has had extensive training can be confusing, as there are many coaches out there who do not take the time to immerse themselves in this system and combine it with others. I remember my process of discovery lead me to do a lot of self-study on my own both before and after my first reading in 2012. Trying to study your chart alone can be challenging for some; things go much smoother with structured guidance.
Eventually, you begin to seek answers to the inevitable questions that arise in a deconditioning process like this. When you encounter something that threatens to shatter your belief systems about yourself and how the world functions, a helping hand, someone's example, or a sharing in a supportive class makes a world of difference.
I've attended Human Design America and the International Human Design School for the last four years with an amazing teacher on the Cross of Service. Darshana told us so many times to look beyond the words and contemplate the deeper meaning for ourselves. Much of my learning I owe to the experience of both one-on-one and group Living Your Design Awakening Programs that I was certified to teach two years ago, and in being a teacher's assistant at the BG5 Business Institute this year.
"When one teaches, two learn." Robert Heinlein
The independent and certified Human Design professionals and schools listed here do their very best to preserve and protect the original knowledge by teaching in alignment with the founder's structuring. This is so that each teacher is able to take that information and perform their own experiment with it, as I am doing myself. Would you like to ask me any questions you have about Human Design or being a professional guide?
Human Design System Rave Bodygraph
Introduction to Centers
of the Human Design BodyGraph
aka Laveena Archers
Who you are is written in both pen and pencil.
Penned is your genetic imprint, the definition in your Human Design chart.
Definition is how we map out the consistent, reliable expression of your natal imprinting - your DNA.
That part of you written in pencil? That's conditioning.
Sometimes it’s not only hard to erase the layers and layers of deeply grooved lines carved into the paper…it’s impossible.
Through Human Design, you come to see the beauty of the whole picture,
-as it is-
and that there is nothing to do
but be the perfection of you.
Your Strategy and Authority
allows you to find true fulfillment
as the witness in the vehicle (body)
watching the pencil lines morph
to nourish and enhance
the masterpiece that is you.
I hope to inspire you to explore your own Center characteristics
by delivering a series of articles in the mystical yet practical language Ra gave us for the Human Design System.
In Human Design, “Centers” are what we call the geometric shapes located inside the Rave BodyGraph. Nine Centers are responsible for specific functions in our lives and are each associated with particular biological functions of our physical form.
Similar to, but not the same as, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System, Centers are hubs of energy, where information is both received, emitted and transmuted.
Understanding the role and theme of each individual Center, as well as the signposts of how they function correctly or influence behaviors when they are operating incorrectly, can help you tremendously in living out your highest potential.
Designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery through each of the Centers of the BodyGraph, our progressive exploration through the Centers will delve into the concepts and describe the key terminology associated with each.
This series of Human Design articles will give you not only an overview of how Centers function, but also a comprehensive look at key concepts that can help you understand their purpose and power. Read each article with awareness and contemplation of your Human Design Chart to enhance your journey of deconditioning and the awakening to the illusion of the Maia, otherwise known as your reality.
As we progress through the realms of the Human Design BodyGraph, I invite you to study the Center we are exploring using your Human Design and those of the people closest to you. Consider the Center characteristics from your personal experience. Notice how this framework helps you understand and accept others (and yourself!) as they are.
If the Center carries consistent definition in you, do you recognize this energy as a part of your true nature? As an example, if your Head Center (top of the BodyGraph) is colored in yellow, you are here to be mentally inspiring for other people.
An undefined or open center (white, not colored in) in your BodyGraph is one of the primary receptors of conditioning - or outside influences taken into your being, that can cause adaptive strategies leading you away from your authentic self. This receptor impacts your mind's decision-making process and creates what the Human Design System calls the Not-Self. The Not-Self leads you to make decisions based on strategies derived from the conditioning rather than your true nature.
Conditioning is neither bad nor good - it simply is a fact of life you cannot avoid nor would you want to. Ignorance is the only detriment here. If you are unaware of the way you are deeply conditioned through your open centers, it can overwhelm who you are. Making decisions from conditioning can take away the possibility of you living out your true potential. However, when you are operating correctly, and your mind is no longer making life decisions, open centers can be an incredible source of wisdom over time.
When you are not operating in alignment with your Human Design, you may experience resistance. Resistance shows up in the form of the Not-Self Theme according to your Type: anger as a Manifestor, frustration as a Generator, bitterness as a Projector and disappointment as a Reflector.
Understanding your conditioning
is the first step to leading a life as yourself;
without resistance, confusion and pain.
Through Human Design you can discover all the key elements of your authentic nature, including where you are vulnerable to potential conditioning.
There is an incredible impact the Human Design language has when taken in deeply and contemplated over time. Think of it like de-programming and re-programming to bring you back into alignment with your being. This language helps to unlock our human potential via epigenetics, bringing to the surface of our awareness certain truths about ourselves.
Everything is moving, and everything is vibrating. We are all unique combinations of frequency patterns. When you are operating incorrectly, your frequency pattern is dysfunctional.
Centers are the primary focus of the Living Your Design Awakening Program taught by Certified LYD Guides around the globe. It is the only spiritual program in the Human Design Educational system designed for everyone who is interested in experiencing the benefits that Human Design can bring.
If you're ready to get personal help in living your design, see my Living Your Design Awakening Experiences. Ra recommended that these courses be taught differently for each Type. You can benefit from a Guide with the same Aura Type as you for this particular experience; my group classes are taught with a fellow Certified Guide with the same Aura Type for the people we are serving.
Are you ready to live the life you were born for?
Whether you are on the path to self-knowledge or mastery of the Human Design System, I invite you to join us on this journey through the Centers of the Human Design BodyGraph. I welcome your interaction, comments and feedback below - would you care to join in the conversation?
Love Yourself,
Andrea Abay-Abay
A version of this article originally appeared at; re-printed with permission.
Parenting by Your Child's Human Design Type
Why and How to Parent According to
Your Child's Human Design Type
by Laveena Archers
(Plus My Human Design Parenting Experience Below)
Laveena (Projector) and her daughter (Emotional Manifesting Generator)
"Your children are not your children;
they are life longing for itself." Khalil Gibran
All of us want to belong on a deeper level,
and we all feel that deep longing to know our place.
Since we are here, we have a part to play in the grand pattern of life.
Truly belonging requires we play our authentic role
—or we risk feeling hollow, lost—
as though we’re not living our purpose.
That feeling of belonging requires self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
Acceptance leads to self-love—
nurtured when we’re guided in how to live honoring our nature,
rather than how others think we should live.
Human Design Parenting
Ra introduced us to one of the most important topics
within this System—Human Design Parenting.
This knowledge is primarily here for our children.
HUMAN DESIGN'S primary benefit
is to those who haven’t yet been deeply conditioned.
And while living authentically
and with greater understanding
supports our process,
it is through us this knowledge
can reach future generations
and change the frequency of this planet—
one being at a time.
Human Design empowers our children
to make choices that are true to who they are.
In Ra's Words...
I had this extraordinary experience not too long ago.
I had a visit, a mother and child. Supposedly the child had problems. It was so interesting, this projection.
I’ve had a favorite saying for so many years: people in white hats doing black work. It’s really nice that you love your children.
It does not mean you’re being an advantage for them in this life at all.
The fact that you love them, truly in a sense, doesn’t really mean anything.
It is the knowing of them.
~ Ra Uru Hu
Can you relate Ra’s quote to what parents feel within themselves?
That "I love my children" goes without saying.
We love them because loving our children
is our genetic instinct as parents.
We often struggle and lack time
to raise children in the way we envision,
but there is always strength
coming from our love
and the instinct to keep them
as safe and happy as possible.
We parents carry a lot of pressure
that combines with the pressure taken in from society.
This creates confusion and doubts,
particularly around our educational paradigms.
Confusion prevents us parents from clearly seeing what kind of child we brought into the world, and we end up devoting too much attention to how children should behave to fit into society and be successful.
Consider that most parents
who don’t know any better
project their own values and expectations
onto their children
during their most impressionable
and vulnerable conditioning stages of life.
Most of this derives from deep, fear-based conditioning patterns, so children learn how to fear the world and fight their way through it...
...instead of learning how to trust in themselves.
Centering on Your Child
with Human Design Parenting states: “A study found that parents who were the most child-centric were also happier and derived greater meaning in life from having children."
‘These findings suggest that the more care and attention people give to others, the more happiness and meaning they experience. From this perspective, the more invested parents are in their children’s well-being — that is, the more ‘child centric’ parents are — the more happiness and meaning they will derive from parenting.’ Ashton-James et al. (2013)”
Many parenting books
try to offer the perfect solution
on how to raise and feed children.
And while they offer
some very valuable insights and tools,
the truth is that there is a unique way to treat each child.
To educate with love is to allow the child to be themselves,
no matter how the outer world conditions and influences them.
We see an enormous difference in children who are respected and raised to follow their natural way of operating and deciding.
Treating your children
according to their Human Design
creates a parent/child relationship
of greater mutual trust and lightness of being.
With Human Design Parenting, parents are no longer seen as the authority but as engaging mentors providing a safe environment where children can evolve.
Giving children the freedom to be their own authority may seem scary at first!
But this allows us as parents to guide our children to become themselves—no more, no less—exactly what the world needs.
Human Design shows you what your child is here for, what avenues of life are going to be their strengths and capabilities.
Human Design helps you understand the functions in life your children are here to express.
Rather than seeing something wrong with a child who appears “lazy,” a parent can embrace their child’s difference and celebrate it.
Fulfilling your purpose requires that you are different from others, because this is why we 9-Centered humans are here—to be vastly different from one another.
Being able to see your child
for what and who they are
is the first step
in transcending the limitations
contemporary culture places
on you and your parenting.
Embracing the Uniqueness of your Child
Here are some free audios
by Ra Uru Hu, founder of the Human Design System
on Children by Type
and below that Defined & Undefined Solar Plexus Children:
Manifestor Children
Teach them manners (to ask permission as polite informing)
Generator Children
Ask them yes/no questions and respect their response
Projector Children
Invite them into things and encourage them to study what you recognize "turns them on"
Reflector Children
Observe them as the barometer of the family and never rush them to decide; give them 28.5 days minimum
Defined Solar Plexus Children
Teach them to cultivate patience
Undefined Solar Plexus Children
Help them express emotion without attachment
In Ra's Words...
For me, the whole thing is to embrace the uniqueness of your child… It’s got to be clear to you that this is a question of consciousness.
I will give you nice techniques.
But really, you have to grasp that this is about consciousness, it’s about being aware.
And it’s about seeing that the moment that you have the gift—it’s a gift—to be able to see the design of your children, your friend’s children, your grandchildren, whatever it may be, that in that gift of being able to see them you can give them something very special.
You can give them guidance that will enrich the rest of their lives, and will allow them to stay within themselves despite what the world around them is. This is what it’s all about.
~ Ra Uru Hu
These quotes from Ra were taken from A Human Design Guide to Parenting,
available on Jovian Archive, home of the Human Design System
My Human Design Parenting Experience:
When I came to Human Design, there were many things about my 5-year old daughter and my relationship with her that confused, frustrated and bothered me.
Using the framework of Human Design to understand our interactions helped relieve my stress, anxiety and worry. Below I share some examples of how Human Design helped me understand us and our relationship.
Here's her Human Design chart ( and mine further down - my birth name was Andrea):
My Overzealous "Natural Parenting"
As you can see, she has the Sacral Center (red square) very strongly defined via three channels. I amplify her powerful generator motor with my undefined Sacral.
I tried to be the best mama possible and studied like crazy before she was born, even going on to obtain a parenting certification, starting a holistic mom's group, and doing everything I could to ensure she had every advantage I could give her.
My overzealous parenting began immediately. I remember coming home from the hospital the day I'd given birth and, unable to sleep that night next to them, I got up to clean the kitchen in the wee hours of the morning. Overzealous? Who me?
When she was born, I thought I was doing what was best for her by co-sleeping, baby wearing whenever possible, only breast-feeding... and I totally burnt myself out by the time she was 6-months old due to lack of sleep and utter exhaustion.
I vividly remember how completely fried I felt and how almost I wanted to throw that crying baby at my husband. That's when I moved myself into the guest room to sleep alone and my doctor prescribed me anti-depressants.
Now I know that my Projector body could not sustain the constant contact with her Manifesting Generator form combined with the super-mom routine I'd thrown myself into.
My Personality Earth Compromised
Another major mechanic; her channel of Discovery (29-46) compromises my Personality Earth in Gate 29.
As she grew I used to get resentful about always needing to do what she had the energy to do and not relaxing with a book or just music as I wanted, to rest and recover my energy.
Gate 29 is about Perseverance; it's the Gate of Saying Yes, of Commitment.
Because she has the Sacral defined and that entire channel, in our relationship, I learned from Human Design to ask her yes/no questions to determine what she responds to.
As she got older I could explain and show her the graph so she understood it wasn't personal, there is nothing wrong with either of us, just that we are very different.
Thanks to Human Design, Now I know how to hold my boundaries and not over-do it so that I don't get overwhelmed and have meltdowns from exhaustion.
My Daughter's Totally Open Splenic Center
My then husband became disabled after a surgery made a pre-existing condition worse and within 18 months of her birth I had to go back to work.
See how my daughter has a totally open Splenic Center (white inward-pointing triangle on the left)? Mine is undefined as well. She was a clingy baby, always wanting attention and entertainment (she is reading this and says I still want attention and entertainment).
When I left home for work regularly she bonded very deeply to my defined Splenic husband, now a stay-at-home dad. When I moved out I was so very saddened when we divorced that she wanted to live with him instead of me. I took it personally (I have a Color 6, Personal Perspective) that she would cry for him every night when she stayed at my house.
When I finally saw all of our designs I understood how powerful the sense of safety and security was that she felt with him and it didn't bother me anymore.
Here's my Human Design Chart:
My Daughter's Totally Open Root Center
As you can see I've got a defined Root Center (brown square at the bottom) while my daughter has no gates as a dormant potential there.
Getting places on time was something I myself simply HAD TO DO. I did everything in my power to always be chronically early and intensely disliked being even a few minutes late.
Boy did I have to let that go as a parent! My daughter did not know when to hurry, and I both unknowingly and knowingly pressured her to hurry up.
It frustrated me that she just couldn't get herself together to go places and I had to constantly harp on her to get her out the door.
My daughter
Oh how glad I was to understand this dynamic between us, and learn the simple tools of asking her yes/no questions.
When I learned more about the deeper levels of her Human Design (she is Guilt Motivated, I am Desire; for those familiar with Rave Psychology) even more things made sense and became easier to deal with and accept.
I'm incredibly grateful for the power of Human Design in our lives.
I could go on and on with more examples about the things I've learned which have helped me be a better parent to my daughter!
Just one of the many benefits this system has had in my life is better relationships with the people I love—rather than putting pressure on myself or them, or taking things personally, I can see the dynamics at play, accept it and love us all throughout, no matter what.
("YAY!" says my daughter)
I hope you enjoyed this article. Please feel free to comment or ask questions below.
I wish for everyone the wonder of watching your child blossom into the completely unique being they were born to be, as I am watching mine.
Love Yourself (and Your Kids!) As you Are. For you are Perfectly Designed.
All my love to you and your family,
PS. Stacey offers Child Development Analysis if you would like guidance from a Certified IHDS Professional to help you with understanding and raising your child according to their design. Click the image below to learn more!
A shorter, previous version of this article originally appeared on Reprinted with permission.
Seven-Centered Strategic vs. Nine-Centered Receptive Beings
The Human Design System: Seven-Centered Strategic vs. Nine-Centered Receptive Beings
Many people look into Human Design for answers to questions they’re struggling with. Are you one of those people?
Are you looking for solutions to challenges, or have you simply realized that something seems “off” with the world and there’s a mystery to solve?
Most people feel extensive validation and relief when they discover their Human Design.
Part of this is because it shows them the keys to what makes them special, unique, and different! Finally they can stop berating themselves for a perceived sense of wrongness and see why they don’t seem to “fit in”—why they’re at odds with and struggle with social conventions.
The other reason is that the world still operates on principles that served the seven-centered being but are no longer appropriate for our changing world. This concept of the seven “chakras” is derived from the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, an ancient tradition that first recognized chakras as energy centers within the subtle body.
In Human Design, Centers are focal points, or hubs, that receive and transform the energy that circulates throughout the BodyGraph.
Each of the nine Centers of the Bodygraph has its own distinct biological correlation, i.e. the Splenic Center is connected to the lymphatic system, and the Root Center to the Adrenal Glands. Centers operate in different ways depending on the way these centers are defined or undefined.
The Nine Centers
(links to free Human Design educational articles)
- Head—Inspiration and Mental Pressure
Note that the physical location in the bodygraph of the Solar Plexus and Splenic Centers does not correspond to the location in the body. These Centers are split to either side so that the beautiful symmetry of streams of awareness flowing through them can be clearly shown.
Our Human Species Evolution: The Shift in 1781
In 1781, along with the discovery of the planet Uranus, humanity began to shift from a seven-centered to a more highly evolved, nine-centered form. Ra used the term "Rave" to describe this 9-Centered being, of which we (until 2027) are a transitional form that is here to birth this new kind of human (that's another story we're going to learn about soon).
Part of the mutation took place in the Ajna Center, changing the way our brain takes in information. All centers went through an upgrade; we as 9-Centered are an evolution of the older model of humans that came before.
“And that mutation in the visual cortex was a mutation that eliminated this need in the binocular vision to focus specifically. In other words, it opened the potential of peripheral or receptive vision. That's very different from the narrow focused strategic look that comes from the left. In dealing with the right you have this opening up to the whole field of stimulation that's possible. In other words, the way in which the brain system itself is going to take in information either from the strategic or the receptive is going to be distinctly different.”
~ Ra Uru Hu
Because of our mutative process, we function differently from human beings born before 1781. Grasping this concept of our evolution tells us the myths, beliefs and concepts that originated with the seven-centered beings are outmoded models that no longer fully serve us.
In the Complete Guide to the Human Design System, founder Ra explains our evolutionary transition from that seven-centered being to the present nine-centered being.
Homo Sapiens in Transitus
Human Design is here to educate our kind—Ra called us Homo-Sapiens in Transitus—to release us from the outdated, fear-based, seven-centered mindset. The seven-centered being had a survival intelligence that used fear as a prime motivator to control the world. The tradition of the seven-centered being was very focused on the Manifestor style of leadership: take charge, conquer, manipulate and control to triumph.
“And when you rule the world, when all the beasts bow down when they suffer at your hand, then what do you do—you try to rule each other. And all the killing that you used, that strategic power of communication and vision just leads to all this bloodshed and horror. This is the strategic way. It knows no other way. It does not.
But it's not us.”
~ Ra Uru Hu
It takes time for our collective consciousness to let go of the age-old dogmas and traditions of fear-mongering and control.
We nine-centered humans are not here to live in perpetual fear for our survival.
Each of us can step on the path of evolving our consciousness. It takes letting go of the deep-seated conditioning living on in our minds, through myths, fairy tales, and modern-day movies—learning to see what’s really going on rather than letting others (like the talking heads on TV) tell us what’s going on. It takes courage, commitment, and dedication to living your truth.
We're Different Now
We’re waking up. We’re breaking free of the fear-based strategies the mind uses to protect itself from remembered pain or possible suffering. We don’t see things as they are when we’re lost in the Maia (Illusion). Instead, we see a distortion created by conditioning.
We are in a "Rave" form, a Nine-Centered Being.
“Isn't your mind always busy with the same stuff? ‘Well, maybe we should do this. Well, maybe we should do that. No, I think that they are going to do it’—and on and on and on, always working out, always trying to figure it out, the plan, how to do it, how to get there. This is the trap. It is not what we're about.”
~ Ra Uru Hu
Using the tools of Human Design, we can pinpoint the details of how your mind is wired to operate.
Understanding the dynamics of your specific design, your unique circuitry, you get to watch the mechanics of you at work. This leads us to one of the most controversial concepts in the Human Design System, and a dramatic departure from the homogenized concept of “free will.”
No Choice
It takes a simple decision to let go of trying to be in control with your mind. Being present, observing what is actually happening; being in touch with your body, and breathing can facilitate awareness, self-acceptance and allow you to let go.
Through being aware we create the foundation for a clear perspective and appropriate action/non-action that arises in harmony with the totality and in alignment with our true nature.
When you follow Strategy and Authority, you get to see the truth and the grace of “No Choice” because you are following the energetics of your body rather than the dictates of your mind.
I bought and watched Ra’s Complete Guide to the Human Design System Video Series in 2014. It covers in depth the concepts of seven-centered vs. nine-centered beings and the coming of the Rave being in 2027. It is a great foundational course, I recommend it.
“The moment you enter into the experiment itself of following your Strategy and Authority, what you understand is you do indeed have a capacity to make decisions without your mind. You just get to see it.”
~ Ra Uru Hu
A version of this article was written for and originally published on
Current Global Cycles - the Human Design System
Human Design System: Global Cycles
Human Design System: Global Cycles
"You can’t trust the authorities around you anymore.
So stop." Ra Uru Hu
Through the Human Design System, Ra brought us knowledge of how to understand not only the mechanisms of our individual being but also the global programming cycles affecting all of us.
What Are Global Human Design Cycles?
Global Cycles show us the background frequency affecting us during the movement of our solar system within the spiral disk of our galaxy. Now we can see what changes our social dynamics on a global scale, as every cycle brings its unique considerations and consequences. These cycles are a fascinating revelation of the larger mechanical pattern affecting our evolutionary process over eons of time.
The Human Design Cross of Planning
Currently, we are in a Global Cycle called the Cross of Planning (1615-2027) which is slowly coming to an end. The Cross of Planning Cycle influenced humanity to work together in a way it had never done before.
One arm of this Cross brings the Channel of Community 37-40. This is where the tribal bargain is struck, bringing loyalty to support the community. The Channel of Community merges the willpower to provide for the family or tribe with the emotional need to give affection in return for resources; to work together to fulfill the demands of our communities. This Channel is a global conditioning force that brings definition between Solar Plexus and the Ego Centers. If you ponder it, our situation is very different from those of prior epochs. And we had no choice; it was simply time for a revolution that changed the ancient ways of rulership (Cross of Rulership: 721-1202). Our modern democracy of helping and respecting each other was born in this current, crumbling age.
"It is the Channel of Community that establishes our fundamental codes with the way our civilizations have developed. It is the bond of Community to protect itself, to have its religions, to be able to have its resources to defend itself. All of these things became the bedrock of our modern civilization, establishing the way we operate with each other. The fact is the 40/37 brought the contractures of the agreement between those that govern and those that are governed. It is the 40/37 in its inherent bargain that created the ability for human beings to live in the vastly overpopulated environment and still manage to do so in some, well, peacefulness."
~ Ra Uru Hu
Everything we take for granted—from governmental structures to the support mechanisms of our communities—is going to continue disintegrating over the next hundred years. Without the bargains being upheld and renewed, cities will not be able to sustain themselves the way they have in the past.
When the last of those born before 2027 are gone, the world will be a very different place. We are at the flowering stage of our 9-Centered Human Being Life Cycle (Ra called us Homo-Sapiens in Transitus). This is the critical time for our species—when we can find our individual truth—the 61st gate is the Key to our age.
We are in the Human Design Cross of Planning. We change to the Sleeping Phoenix in 2027
Time for the Age of Self-Empowerment
The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (Gates 55-59-34-20) that we’re moving to is an undeniable antithesis of our age. Remember, the Cross of Planning is fundamentally tribal and collective, responsible for the support and success of developing a global community based on bargains, details, and skills, while the 34-20 arm of the Sleeping Phoenix is about Integration; all about self-empowerment, preservation and the core individuation process where we distinguish ourselves from everyone else.
Gate 55 - 6th Line: Selfishness
We are entering into an age of self-empowerment. The next age is not about looking after your neighbor, but rather looking after yourself. We are moving into a global theme of–potentially enlightened–selfishness.
Human Design Global Cycle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2027
Our key is to use Strategy and Authority to unveil our unique human process, our own Inner Truth, which is not dependent on anything outside of oneself. We are not here to be afraid of the changes coming or to struggle through them. We’re here to have the courage to rise to the occasion in alignment with our true nature. We cannot expect anyone, or the world at large, to take care of us. It is time to be empowered in our authority, and to teach our children to be their own authority from a very early age.
We are here to watch the unraveling of our social fabric and discover our inner truth as we move to become more self-empowered. There’s nothing to do but be aware and witness it unfolding.
“The knowledge is here in order to be able to protect humanity as it moves forward into this next cycle. The Sleeping Phoenix cycle is one in which both death and resurrection are a possibility. It is very individuated as opposed to being deeply tribal and it is going to take away the dependency on the authorities that the Cross of Planning cycle has imposed on the homogenized world.
The homogenized world survives through the acceptance of and the reliance on and the dependence on all of these authorities. That the food is going to be in supermarkets, that the trains are going to run on time and again and again, all of these various things that make it possible for us to survive on this plane.
The fact is that the authorities we have submitted to during the Cross of Planning are no longer going to be supported by the background frequency. They’re simply not. It means that the only way one is really going to flourish, and flourish is really the word, as we move into this new age is that they’re going to be able to do so only by their own authority. It is the fundamental foundation of Human Design Strategy and Authority to be able to find within oneself the differentiated decision making truth that is going to provide you with a reliable way to navigate on this plane regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the conditioning, regardless of the background frequency.
So, the responsibility is not so much to the adults; adults today are going to be quite aged as we move forward into the next cycle. The reality is that it's for children. It’s for the children who are coming into the world now. It is for the children who are going to be born once we go beyond 2027. It is the most important education they are going to receive, an education that is going to give them the foundation to be able to survive with integrity in a world that is no longer going to provide them with infrastructures that are going to protect them.
It’s my great concern and always has been for my own children that they are equipped, that they know how to navigate on this plane, that they know how to navigate as themselves, that they have their own true inner authority, because if we are educating our children as they are being educated in the homogenized world that they can find authority elsewhere, that they can find authority in others, that in fact all of that is crumbling and they're going to be lost. They’re truly going to be lost when they enter into what is this coming age.
And it’s not just about what's around the corner, 2027, it’s what’s going to take place over the next 400 years or so. This cycle that we're going to enter into in 2027 is a cycle that is going to last over 400 years. It is about the children who are going to enter into the world and incarnate on this plane and who are going to have the right to be able to navigate on this plane successfully and to be able to do so in a way that is healthy, in a way in which they themselves are healthy. All we can do is provide the outlet for that. Everyone has their own fractal connections in this life. And everyone who's professionally trained in Human Design, there are all these beings who are waiting on that fractal line for the potential of being educated in a way that they can find their own authority and they can provide for the well-being of their young.” Ra Uru Hu
Written for under the birthname of Andrea Abay-Abay in 2016. Republished with permission.
New video for 2024 on 2027: