The Human Design Bodygraph has an Authority Heirarchy
In this article series, “How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design,” I would like to educate you by presenting the different kinds of Authority in order of hierarchy.
In this first article, let’s cover a bit of a background on where Type and Strategy came from. We’ll also touch on why Mind is never your personal Authority.
When Ra received this knowledge, “the Voice” did not give him Aura Type, Strategy and Authority as we know it today. Ra received the raw substance of Human Design, which he then synthesized through his thousands of readings and teaching his students about how this illusion that we live in functions. Through teaching it as the authority and creator, he structured the Mechanics of the Maia into the "Human Design System, the Science of Differentiation" that we have today.
Entering the place and date of your birth (including the exact time) at “” allows you to create a free account to discover your Human Design. You'll be able to access various graphical views of your Bodygraph, along with written descriptions and audio recordings.
Ra Uru Hu’s Message that he created was Type, Strategy and Authority. It is his legacy to the world that anyone can experiment with for free.
You'll hear Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, explain your Strategy as to when to make decisions, and what your Authority is according to the hierarchy - your way of choosing correctly. Making decisions you trust are as simple as aligning to your inborn nature. Learning all about this complex system is unnecessary to operate correctly; all you need to do is KNOW YOURSELF and experiment with living your design to discover how well it works for you.
Discovered this handy graph on Facebook! Thanks to Mark Germain for creating - Human Design Aura Type Chart Determination
Decision-Making is Navigation through Life
Moving through life and being yourself is about making decisions correctly - deciding what to do in a way that is authentic to the being you truly are. Making decisions authentically as yourself requires that you honor your personal authority. Human Design offers everyone a simple way of helping you discover how you can reliably make the right choices as and for yourself - by being your own Authority.
Strategy and Authority represent the surface of this complex body of knowledge in a way that anyone coming to Design can easily experiment with the System. It doesn't take a lot of effort to verify whether Human Design works for you. Simply experiment with making decisions according to your Strategy and Authority, which can lead you to living a fulfilled life.
Here are the possible Authorities of the Human Design System Manifestor Type
One of the most stunning accuracies provided by the Human Design System is the signature of Type. Signature is the essence of your spirit translated into form in this life. By discriminating what combination of energies in the Rave Bodygraph resulted in which frequencies, Ra associated with each of the Types a special "Keynote" that represents the way they experience fulfillment. Making decisions correctly leads you to the "signature" of your Aura Type - Peace for the Manifestor, Satisfaction for the Generator, Success for the Projector and Surprise for the Reflector. Each of these Types are broad categorizations that have sub-Types - all unified through their expression of Signature - their goal in this life.
Mind is Never Your Authority
Here are the possible Authorities of the Human Design System Generator Types
Not-self conditioning causes your mind to become the false authority. Your deeply conditioned mind attempts to be your authority because it is subject to the adaptive strategies taken on to protect the openness within you. Adaptive strategies such as avoiding confrontation and truth result in not being able to live as yourself.
Mind acts as a spokesperson for the openness in your chart - specifically your undefined centers, as well as bridging gates between areas of your definition if you are a simple split. You can’t turn off your mind’s pratering, but you can watch the interaction between the mind and the Centers to facilitate awareness.
When you are new to your experiment, you'll notice your mind second guesses your Authority, which is a clue as to what to ignore or not believe. Your mind can never know what is right or what is wrong when it comes to making decisions about yourself, because of conditioning. You can't believe anything your mind says about you!
These are the Human Design System’s Centers which never are your personal authority
Like snowflakes, all of us have an exquisitely unique design. Life Force Energy flows through the channels within us all from the Pressure Centers at the Head and Root, to be expressed at the Throat, our Center for communication and manifestation. Like Mind, all three of those Centers are also never an Authority in your life.
Strategy provides the Solution as to When to Decide
The Human Design BodyGraph provides a map of the template for what it is to be human. The kind of energy that is consistently present and active within you determines the holistic frequency of your Aura, which is you. The Aura Types may be only four in number, but there are endless variations of these four found in the world.
All Types are given a simple Strategy for decision making that allows each to bypass the conditioning of their mind and access their Authority. In this article series, we'll cover all Four Aura Types along with their Strategies and possible Authorities. We'll also provide example charts that you can click on to save to your free myBodyGraph Chart Library for your reference.
Here are the possible Authorities of the Human Design System Projector Types
Unique Frequencies of Authority
Separated into two kinds of Personal Authority, here is the hierarchy of the Human Design System’s "Inner Authority" and "Outer Authority."
Inner Authorities:
Solar Plexus
Outer Authorities (aka No Direct Inner Authority):
Environment (always the Mental Projector Type)
Lunar (always Reflector Type)
Here are the possible Authorities of the Human Design System Reflector Type
Common Human Design Authorities
The Solar Plexus (Emotional Center), Sacral and Splenic Authority Centers are the ones that show up most often in the world, with about half of our population being Emotionally defined.
Often you will see Human Design charts that have one, two or all three of these Centers defined. Once in a while, you'll see a bodygraph with none of them defined. We will cover these and more in future installments of “How to Make Correct Decisions.”
Why Mind is Never Your Authority
The voice inside of your head about yourself and others is NEVER your personal authority. It cannot be, for it is too tainted by conditioning and is not authentic to you. Please watch the video above for the science behind this concept.
I hope you enjoyed this basic introduction to Human Design Authorities. Please share and comment with any questions.
Portions of this article were originally published on, reused with permission.