Human Design Professional Analyst Training Levels 1- 4 Overview

International Human Design School Certified Instructor, Laveena Archers

Why do the Human Design Gate 28 and Gate 38 get sad or depressed?

Here’s the answer:
Gate 38 is the Fighter. People with this gate get sad when they don’t know what to fight for.

Gate 28 is the Game Player. People with this gate get sad when others won’t help them find life’s purpose.

Learn more in the video below!

As a Human Design Analyst Teacher, I get to create my own training in line with the IHDS curriculum from the plethora of multi-decade education Ra shared, incredible knowledge like this so that you can share it with your clients. Human Design Training is like the most powerful self-awakening and the enlightening journey you can take as a self-realization deep-dive. Are ready to begin your formal educational journey? Would you like to become a world-class Human Design Coach?

As a trainer of Living Your Design Guides over the past almost 5 years, I'm about to pass on that torch to Peter Berv, 3/5 Manifesting Generator. I've just wrapped up creating the updated live lectures for this Living Your Design Guide course, and we'll have one flip-teaching/live discusssion and mentoring version next month before Peter takes over when he gets IHDS certified in February. Check out the course below this video!

Esther Hicks' Human Design Chart - Professionals In Training Study Group

Recorded LIVE, a Guided study group for Human Design Analysts in Training to look at Famous Raves.

Esther channels “Abraham” and teaches about the popular Law of Attraction.

Esther Hicks (née Weaver, born March 5, 1948) is an American inspirational speaker, and author. She has co-written nine books with her late husband Jerry Hicks, presented numerous workshops on the law of attraction with Abraham-Hicks Publications and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film The Secret.[1] The Hicks' books, including the series The Law of Attraction, are – according to Esther Hicks – "translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham". Hicks describes what she is doing as tapping into "infinite intelligence". ~ Wikipedia

Tony Robbins' Human Design - Human Design Professionals in Training Study Group

Human Design Professionals in Training Study Group with Tony Robbins’ bodygraph

Anthony Jay Robbins (born Anthony J. Mahavoric, February 29, 1960) is an American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist. He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including the books Unlimited Power (published in 1986) and Awaken the Giant Within (published in 1993). via Wikipedia

It [Strategy and Authority] isn't Going to Bring You the Complete Process

Excerpt from Professional Analyst Training Level 1

“The first thing that really is so essential to understand about what it is to be us is that there is a way in which we can simply surrender into a mechanism that is going to bring us to that fulfillment. And it's simply about being aware of what those mechanisms are and then watching it happen, because it isn't about making it happen. I don‘t think there is anything more important for me to share with you than to say to you, don't listen to what I'm telling you. Listen to your Strategy and Authority. That is, any of the stages of transformation that are there in Variable, whether it is dietary regimen or environment or beginning the process of experimenting with passenger consciousness, are things that you can only approach when truly you're ready to approach them. It‘s one of the most important things to understand. Everybody has their timing. But in order to get anywhere in this journey, it is not just a matter of Strategy and Authority because frankly it is not sufficient. It is sufficient to give you a better life than you had before and it will certainly take you through seven years of deconditioning that will get you to a different place. But it isn't going to bring you the complete process. This is for those that are really ready to journey all the way to that place of awareness. It isn‘t for anybody.”

Ra Uru Hu, The Story Lines p.25

“Oh, outer authority is an extraordinary thing. It‘s what you get from me. And what you notice is that it's interesting, don't you? This is what outer authority is. It‘s not whether you agree or not, like it or not, whatever the case may be. I know that there are many, many expressions of outer authority that I will not necessarily agree with. But it doesn't mean that I will not respect it, and it doesn't mean that I won't be interested. It just means that somebody else‘s unique outer authority isn't necessarily something I can grasp. But it will still be interesting. And it doesn't mean that the person who grasps it is ruled by it, because we are beings who operate out of our inner authority, not based on somebody else's authority over us. This is a whole new kind of communication. It is a communication that is there to expand the consciousness field. We are in dire need of the expression of outer authority. We are in dire need of it. We really are. “

Ra Uru Hu p8/9 RP External Color Book

“It's this seeing that is the greatest reward, because it's not about being in a hurry or not. It‘s not about that you have to or not. It isn't about the way somebody else goes through this process. It isn't about any of those things because nothing is like you. Only you are the witness, only you. To be a witness of this kind of transformation is how you change your frequency. The deeper you enter into the realm of the passenger, the quieter everything becomes. The back seat of my limo is soundproof, frequency-proof in a way. It's very quiet in there; still. It‘s something that comes out of the signature of any being. And all of that is something you cannot chase. You cannot claim. It‘s what I like about this process. It‘s what makes it so clean. You live it yourself, you live it one breath at a time, and you get to see for yourself. It is in the seeing. And the more you are looking to see, then the less the homogenized world has to do with yo,u and the more you begin to see the way in which you were intended to see and it changes everything. Your perception changes the way you conceptualize. And because it is your perception, you‘re good at. This is what your conceptualizing mind is waiting for.”

Ra Uru Hu p144 RP External Color Book

A Human Design Chart Reading Is Not About Mirror Gates

Do you know your Human Design Mirror Gates?

There is an important relationship here between these circuits. What are they? Find out in Professional Training!

Above is a fascinating image of deeper underlying mechanics we term "Mirror Gates" that is helpful in our understanding as Analysts (which you can learn about in Semester 1 of our Professional Analyst Training).

Fascinating as it is, this and other mechanical structures are not necessary to explain to your clients in an Overview or even a Foundational Chart Reading.

True, the information and technical detail in a Human Analysis are very important. But a chart reading isn’t about the information and technical detail in totality.

It is possible to have every piece of information ever delivered about a Human Design chart 100% memorized and still not be able to deliver a quality Foundational reading.

The Human Design System is logical, organized, and integrated.

While the mind will make it confusing, complicated, and fragmented...

Especially when the chart reader is not deconditioned nor educated correctly.

Which leaves their client walking away confused, not empowered, and either doubting the system, the reader, or worse, doubting themselves.

I remember being approached for partnership by a self-proclaimed professional Analyst who did not have any certifications to speak of, yet created their own Analyst Training program. This young person reached out to me over four years ago with flattering words about my HD work, sharing how much they admired my success and wanted to collaborate with me. They then (without being asked, or asking) promoted their training program and their readings in my Human Design Facebook group by sharing a Soundcloud link to a sample "career reading."As a professional BG5 Career and Business teacher and IHDS Professional Teacher, I was curious about their offering to train Analysts, so I listened.

Their sample reading was not effective in terms of giving the client a good picture of their career. The story told about the bodygraph was a disjointed collection of mechanics (though accurate in theory) about the gates and how they functioned, what they did, and all kinds of facts not necessarily applicable in context were included.

A Person is not a Gate nor a Line nor a Color

The reading itself was not especially specific to the human that the chart was being read for, in that though the words used may have been technically accurate, they were not woven together in the depth and breadth of the holistic analysis that we teachers are taught by Ra to train our students to explain the graph.

I know it takes a long time to gain proficiency translating the bodygraph in ways applicable and practical to the individual. Reading the chart is an art that is a sacred duty between the reader and their client. The poetry of keynoting is a calling, a passion, a purpose, and all of us refine our abilities over time.

Ra wanted people to wait 7 years to start analyzing charts professionally, but he settled on half that time and made it a requirement for teachers instead. It takes a full 7 years for your cells to decondition from the not-self purpose (your mind's false stories that drive your actions). This is why it takes a long time and a lot of training to meet the requirements to become a professional teacher.

A lot of the deeper HD realms are revealing but distorting when you get too "mind-y" about it. The most common mistake I see is people taking one aspect of the chart, going on and on about that one aspect, and talking in "snippets of Ra" without putting everything into the holistic context of that person's design.

Here's an example.

Recently, a student shared in my class about feeling disempowered when somebody told her "you are not here to lead, ever" because of her psychological Motivation being Innocence.

When the student questioned the reader, because that statement didn't feel good to her, she was told: "no, never."

This student's design had a multitude of consistent leadership gates in a Defined Throat, giving her Influence and Oversight, both consistent Leadership Traits. And she had a Public Relationship strength, a primary leadership channel within a small group that is designed to be recognized for her ability to represent and speak for the group's direction and identity. She can, in fact, hold a leadership role if her Authority says yes.

Remember, we are not just one aspect (in this case, the color) of a gate. We are a holistic Being with a multiplicity of layering, including current cycles that show the whole picture of what we are currently living out, depending on our age.

So as you perhaps dive deeper into the Human Design System, I want to remind you of what the most important thing is.

Stay on the Chart's Surface

If you could only tell someone ONE thing about their Design, what aspect would you choose?

Personally, I would give them their Authority.

Strategy is useless without Authority.

The strategy gives the mind something to do while you wait for deconditioning to kick in enough to shift the cells back to their more natural, you could say, or innocent state of Being. 

Yes, Profile is always fun, like a magic trick. Definitely speak to them according to the Public Role they play in their life's work. However...

Everything about living rightly to align to your design hinges around Being Your Own Authority.

If someone is new to Human Design, remember not to get lost in the woods of details that do not matter to them yet. 

(Overwhelming them with too much information, too soon is a classic mistake I too have made).

Learn to weave your client's Authority in and out of the Analysis, to bring them back home to themselves. The deeper layers are there to be uncovered within by them through the Authoritative process of their own experience.

Take appropriate phrases that lead them to discover the channels of their strengths in truth, couch those life-force and life-giving phrases to resonate with key aspects of who they are, and layer those truths at the beginning, middle, and end for them to experiment with.

People remember things if you repeat them often enough in different ways.

Repetition is the mother of all Learning, as Ra would say.

Remember FIRST, to ask yourself as you look at a chart:

What CAN the energy (life-force) do?

If you haven't given your client a solid HD Foundation in their specific Authority, the reading is just "mind candy" that may be utterly fascinating, but not as practical, useful, impactful, or helpful as it could be.

To deliver an effective analysis, the key takeaway must always be how they can trust themselves. Encourage and teach them how they can be their own Authority, remember that. Don't supplant their innate call towards alignment with your theoretical learning of one aspect they may have, because when anything is taken out of context with the rest of their design, it is inaccurate.

Remember, everyone has everything in the Bodygraph either consistent (defined) or flexible (undefined). We all have seeds of potential planted places that you cannot see when you are looking at a human design birth chart. That natal design is not the whole picture of a life story. That natal design is a frozen moment in time, showing us what is reliable and trustworthy to make decisions from. It also shows us what is designed to be learned and lived in this life, to become wise about through experience.

Please consider that when you position yourself as the person who knows better than them (because you may be further along in your studies) and give ultimatums "No, you are NEVER here to lead" you take away their power of Authority. Give your client their Authority, give them their power back. This is their Experiment.

What I love about teaching these Analyst Professional Training courses is that we are embarking on a profound educational journey into all the various layers and aspects of YOU over quite a long time, and you cannot help but come to a profound personal awareness when you study the layers of this system.

What I love most is watching my students transform and blossom as their own Authority, with is a process both magical and mysteriously beautiful, making each of us the hero in our own journeys through life.

Professional HD courses as laid out by Ra are very effective at revealing to you how you have made and will continue to make life hard, full of resistance and difficult.

Because the not-self looks to others for confirmation, approval, validation, and acceptance, we are all lost to that tendency unless we wake up to our own sovereignty.

To make it very simple, just remember: each person is their own Authority on and for themselves.

How they can be their own Authority in the way they are here to live in Truth is the most important thing to get across in a chart Analysis.



PS. As an IHDS/BG5 Teacher dedicated to developing HD Professionals,  I value empowering fellow HD lovers who want to be successful in making a career out of helping others know themselves. If you have taken courses already but wish to sharpen your professional skills, we have a 70% discount for repeating any IHDS professional training course with us. 

Just email with the name of your prior IHDS teacher to request to Audit (repeat) the class of your choosing. Professional Certification classes like Analyst and Guide Training include regular study groups to practice the poetry of keynoting, ask questions and discuss in a community of your peers.

Awakening Human Design Analysts

The Professional Phone is Ringing. Will you answer the Call?

IHDS Human Design Analyst Teacher Laveena Archers

One of the most profound tools for awakening awareness, the poignant language Ra gave us in the Rave I'Ching is "part haiku, part dictionary."

The Rave I'Ching describes the 64 Hexagrams (Gates) and describes each of the six lines for each Gate. In the Rave I-Ching, Ra has given us names of the Incarnation Crosses, our Life's Work, and the highest expression of purpose. 

Newcomers tend to over-identify with details and forget we can never take one Gate or Live in isolation. 

Our job as analysts is to decipher the elements in context to a being's quantum intelligence. 

Over-analyzing one specific Line of a chart is tricky. We need to continually come back to the surface's frequency because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. One Gate plus one Gate in a channel is not only about the gate description or even the lines therein. It now encompasses a unique life force frequency in context to the entire Design. 

Remember the Personality is a third of what you are, the Design is a third of what you are, and the Quantum of the two is more than the sum of the parts (one plus one equals three). We need to always bring our analysis of a chart home to the context of the Quantum.

When you put too much focus on just a part of the chart and don't look at that part without bringing it back to the whole, your analysis might not help someone as much as giving them all of the valuable information that can lead them to develop their self-awareness. 

When in Doubt, Zoom Out

Feeling stuck? I like to say, "When in doubt, zoom out."

Remember to keep in mind the Type, Strategy, Authority, defined centers/channels/gates when you look at a line. 

Look at the big picture and do your best to practice describing what you see in context.

I notice the way they teach us to do this at IHDS leads to horrendous run-on sentences. What to do? It is what it is. At some point, you get good at pausing, breathing, touching in with your client's receptivity and presence to the information you are conveying to them. 

In an analysis...
Ask Yes/No Questions of Generators. Invite the Projector's Seeing of Others. Inform of thier Impact, to Impact Manifestors. Initiate the Reflector to their Objectivity.

Genetic Continuity

When you study enough Human Design, you come across the term "genetic continuity." Besides all lines of similar values relating to each other, the pieces of every chart you encounter seem to have a recurring theme or pattern. 

The genetic continuity related to the Type/Strategy/Authority/Profile/Cross is a breathtaking symphony of keynotes that speaks to the nature of a person's Being and what they are learning or where they are nurtured. 

This theme you see is consistent breathing in or out of the Being's expression and living of their life. You come across paradox and complexities that are to be brought into a contextual relationship to the whole.

The Rave I-Ching is a kind of poetry. It takes time to "grok" the lines. The "This" and "That" is a generality of two extreme polarities in most cases. You are very specific, and so are your clients.

On his deathbed, Confucious said he wished he could have more time to learn from the Book of Changes: "Give me a few more years so that I can devote fifty years to study Change, and I may be free from great mistakes." The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes can take a lifetime to understand. 

Similarly, the Rave I-Ching lines take time, and they can make more sense when applied in context with the entire chart. Here are my Type recommendations to learn these Lines. 

  • If you're a Generator, would you like to start with your own lines, to map and meditate on over time?

  • If you are a Projector, I suggest you read the lines of the people you know best or spend the most time observing in aura.

  • Manifestors need to understand their Impact.

  • Reflectors, can you study the lunar Transits?

In my Professional Analyst Training classes, we offer you a 64 digital set of flashcards as seen below. You can print them out and laminate for study purposes.

Image by Naraya Fox

On every Flashcard, you will see the "chop" or image for the Hexagram, with a colored drop shadow to help you remember the elements that create the Hexagram. We've started with the I-Ching name and the Gate description, along with the Center it is in, and the keynoting Ra gave us for each Line. These are intended to help you remember what the nature of each Line is about for each Gate.  You don't have to memorize all of it right away. It is helpful to get into the practice of speaking this language and seeing what magic it holds for both you and your clients.

When you read the Rave I-Ching Lines, for most, there are two sets of definitions. One sounds positive (Exaltation), and one seems negative (Detriment). These are two sides of the same coin. It is the "this" and the "that" of the Line. Some people think of it as the light and the dark. I like to label it as Ease and Challenge. Who doesn't like a good challenge? Ra liked the Detriments. He thought of them as very honest. The collective tends to see the Detriments as "bad" or "wrong" and the Exaltation as "good" or "right." Remember, Human Design is not about these things. It's about accepting everything in alignment and watching as the Observer.

We all get to experience the This and the That. When we follow our Strategy and Authority, we may experience more ease. When we are acting from the "not-self," we may encounter more of the challenge. Yet, those challenges are there for a reason. Certain people will influence you to express the challenge, which colors the nature of your relationships with them. No choice. 

Ra said he wrote the Rave I-Ching for the "not-self" because you tend to vacillate between the extremes when you are misaligned with your true nature. The not-self thinks in very black and white thinking, without any shades of grey. When you begin to live life uniquely, you become aware of the widespread rainbow of colors rather than just this and that. Ra said we could all write our own Rave I-Ching at some point because we are, each of us, very, very unique. 

Do you recognize yourself or others in each of these areas when you read your lines? What can you learn from accepting the nature of your Being, your Seeing, your living, breathing ALIVENESS?

Often when placed into context, the Line's name says it all, and you don't have to read the entire description of the Lines to your client. Speak from grokking, in context, and you can convey the meaning with so much for than words. The tone of your voice, the keynote names you choose to emphasize, the pauses in sentences, and inflection can give substance to the way you string together your words. Even if someone doesn't "get" it right away (and many won't), you're speaking the language that can unlock their genetic potential, and the keynotes take time to work their magic.

I can still remember how strongly the words "You're here to Mutate the System" rang in my ears from the first professional Analyst reading I got from Kumud. Did I know then what that meant? Heck no! In the last couple of years, I have seen how my teaching way changes, morphs, and mutates as my Design's embodiment deepens. A Manifestor makes an Impact. A Projector takes that Impact and softens it for use with their Others. No wonder I not only took Ra's recommendations of learning from fellow Projectors like Darshana and Becky, but I also gravitated to listen to Ra, Genoa, Alok and Lynette over the years!

Some lines are a learning process, and some lines speak to the quality of you. 

Hexagram Line Speak

  1. The 1st line description for each Gate will give you the foundation of that Hexagram.

  2. The 2nd line description for each Gate will provide you with the natural projection of that Hexagram.

  3. The 3rd line description for each Gate will give you the material way of that Hexagram.

  4. The 4th line description for each Gate will provide you with the externalization of that Hexagram.

  5. The 5th line description for each Gate will give you what others project upon that Hexagram is.

  6. The 6th line description for each Gate will provide you with the transitional nature of that Hexagram.

In some cases of Line descriptions, there are one-sentence line introductions in blue. This is not the case for all lines. When there is a blue description, it means that this is what you are learning about over your lifetime. Like how 6th Lines have a maturity process, so do the Line descriptions in blue. If there is no blue description, then it is a given. Blue lines are not a given, they are to be learned.

In the Rave I'Ching book, you will see a planet glyph associated with the lines listed next to them.

Because the planets are in a particular position in the sky at the moment of birth and they will activate the Hexagram and a line within that Hexagram when you are born.

When planets activate certain lines, they "fix" that Line either in detriment or Exaltation. The up pointed pyramid notes this or the down pointed pyramid-shaped triangle you will see on your chart and all the Line descriptive pages in the Complete Rave I-Ching.

Some things Ra has said over the years touch me very deeply. This audio clip is one of them. Awareness is everything in Human Design. 

The longer I have experimented, the easier it is to allow communication to flow without self-censoring or holding back because of the mind's fears.

Live your Design, and the Awareness you can communicate becomes richer, deeper, and more rainbow-like, shining like the sparkling dew in a garden of roses.

The more Unique your perspective, the more profound your Awareness, the more YOU you become.

Giving this gift of seeing to our clients, students, friends and family, when asked for, is one of the sweetest things I have experienced.

It is my desire that you too give this gift to yourself, and to the world.

Namaste, beloveds.

Keynoting example of Emotional Projector from Professional Analyst Training Level 1

PTL1 Analyst Training - Keynoting Practice (Design Nodes)

Hi all,

I've been invited to share some of the keynoting practice that happens behind the scenes in our PTL1 Analyst Training classes. 

Last week we were practicing entering into someone's chart through the Design Nodes and bringing these together with Type, Strategy & Authority and Openness.

I did my best to write up keynoting for Naraya Fox. In the video above you can listen to me read out loud while Laveena touches on the relevant aspects of Naraya's chart as I speak them. 

At the bottom of this article, you can find the text written out in full.  

This may be an interesting and helpful example for those of you who have taken the foundational courses such as Rave ABCs and Cartography, and for those of you who are self-studying, if you would love to do analyst work like this. 

Analyst Training takes approximately 4 years, so we're just at the beginning here, but the difference in my ability to read into a chart after two semesters of training with Laveena is already something I'm enjoying very much.

When I write an analysis like this I bring together the skill of reading a chart and the poetry of keynoting with what I have physically recognized in the person (if I've met them). The magic of the Human Design system is that the keynoting is highly accurate, it works, even though you may not necessarily know what these things mean to the person you're speaking to. You speak the words, you watch them land and evoke a real physical response. It's magical, and this can also be a source of insecurity initially.

It's always a slippery slope for me to say things I cannot be certain of. I have been educated not to assume someone else's reality, not to impose my ideas about who they are or think they should be onto them. Listening back to the recording, I can hear this familiar hesitation in me. When it comes to Human Design, if I have directly seen a particular phenomenon described in the mechanics, then I know what I'm saying. But many times, I read someone's chart and I know conceptually this is how it works - but I haven't seen it live yet. 

I don't enjoy approaching someone with 'this is how you're supposed to be'. We all know the Not-Self will be prone to disagreeing with you anyway, but equally you can't just go: "No no, I'm the Analyst here, I know what this is, you're Not-Self and don't know who you are. Let me tell you." 

(or at least with my undefined centers that would be very tricky to pull off with integrity.)

Especially when you actually don't know what it is, and you only have the theory, your imagination and assumptions... You can end up gaslighting your client. It's necessary that you recognize where you are at with a measure of humility. Then surrender to the process of transmission, and with respect to the one you're talking to. Simply knowing how to do keynoting does not mean you 'know better', that you are aware and understand the mechanics.

This is the edge that you walk on as an Analyst, because there will always be so much you haven't directly seen, and that you can never experience yourself. This is where you inevitably do take a leap of faith and trust in the system as Ra laid it out. And that's why it has to earn your trust through validation over and over again, indefinitely. Even after death, Ra needs to continue to prove himself ongoingly.  

As a professional in Human Design, you take the risk and see what happens. If you use the right keynotes then more often than not the receiver knows exactly what you're talking about (they are living it after all) - and that's the magical surprise. You never know if it's going to happen, but when it does it's extraordinary. Then you discover alongside them how those particular mechanics function - it's very beautiful and humbling to experience. So most importantly, it is the physical response that matters, that's where the theory of the system is substantiated in practice.  

I can remember doing keynoting for a Reflector, and as I read it out to them experienced them feeling seen at a level that the aura doesn't allow for. I watched their body posture drop into an open relaxation with tears of relief rolling down their cheeks. They said they finally felt like they could be who they were with somebody and feel understood. Had I tried to scan them with my Projector eyes without studying their chart, I only would have seen myself. 

All of my Human Design teachers have said people come back to them years after their Foundation Reading, thanking them for the keynoting because it was profoundly true and helpful in the end - even though the person didn't see it and disagreed with it at the time. They went on with their lives, continued with their trial and error process and eventually came to recognize that what they had been told was valid after all. 

I can say this was certainly the case for me. Perhaps you had a similar experience.

So, for those of you who are keen to read here is the text:

Naraya, as a Projector you are Designed to be recognized and invited into the environment where you can thrive and fulfil your purpose. In the wake of the invitation, it is your emotional authority that lets you know this is the place to be. It is through the neutral clarity that arises, after the highs and lows have moved through you, that you can follow an invitation to an environment that nurtures the flourishing of your purpose in due time.

For the first half of your life, where you find yourself is a place of need. An environment where there is the pressure to have all needs met on the material plane and perhaps even the scarcity thereof. It is a transpersonal environment where you are surrounded by familiars, people who use their network to find the opportunities to meet their needs, and there is likely to be burnout and fatigue – though it may not necessarily be yours. It’s an environment of interrelatedness, where individuals find cooperation as part of a team.

Halfway through life, you can expect a change of scenery as you bump into a new place for you to be on your experimental trajectory. It is a place of privacy, where there is active withdrawal and the transformation of a weak position into a strength. A place where people find dignity in their fatigue and retreat without turmoil.

Naraya, as an Investigative Martyr, your public role is to be embedded into these environments as someone who studies deeply to secure the foundations for their authority about what they know, share and can support others with, through experimental trial and error. These are places where you can successfully make and break bonds in your determination to discover what actually works. These are the environments where you can move through public spaces where people can come and go through your aura as you process and digest life and assimilate its information.

As you accumulate life experiences and capture the lessons inherent in each mistake, you are driven to remember what didn’t work. This gives you a healthy pessimism, meeting others with your belief that what is best can never be achieved. This prevents you from becoming unrealistic in your expectations. At the right time, you’ll be able to share the secrets you have kept safely so that all can benefit from the nuggets of wisdom they contain.

You may find yourself surprised that people in these environments will recognize you for your sensitivity to the needs of the community and how they can be met, for your ability to recognize which feelings to focus on within the whole spectrum of possible experiences we could share, and for your individual mental inspiration that is highly mutative and empowering in its knowing of underlying principles to life’s mysteries.

Naraya, you have a profound emotional nature, the depths of which are largely unconscious to you. As this emotional undercurrent stirs, your fantasy and imagination may give rise to expectations and a yearning to have desire fulfilled and needs met. It is important that you cultivate patience with yourself and learn to enjoy fantasy for what it is without giving in to the pressure of expectation. To experience the experiencing for its own sake so you can be fully immersed in it and know what merits reflection afterwards.

It may be very tempting to jump spontaneously into wild adventures, especially either on the emotional highs or lows of your deeply sensitive nature. It is here where your mind can trick and trap you through conditioning, Naraya. With patience you can observe and watch it think that you should prove your worth, that you should make big promises and commit, that you should hold on for your survival even if whatever you’re holding onto is toxic to you, that you should continue to do more and be more productive even though you’re all out of energy and need rest.

The mind may think that you need to make sure you demonstrate that you’re the best, that you have the right values, that you can persevere no matter what difficulties may come your way, fuelled most intensely by the fear of responsibility and irresponsibility. 

If only you had more skills, more ambition, more joy and stimulation, more continuity, more power, more vision – don’t buy it! You are not lacking any virtues, gifts or abilities. You are enough exactly as you are to live this life correctly and thrive in it. Bitterness can contaminate you with any spontaneous mental decision that leads you into the wrong thing that goes wrong. That is not what you’re here for Naraya, you’re here for the right thing that goes wrong.

Trust in your emotional nature, this emotional body of yours, to know when the right time has come to say ‘yes’, to interact with and guide those who recognize you for the things that light you up inside! When you align with your Inner Authority your mind can be freed to pay attention to who is out there and to recognize their beauty, their gifts, their energies so you can know how to guide successfully.

You have an incredible potential to be wise about who has got the willpower to reliably support the tribe. Who has got a healthy ego to massage and sell the tribe on what is best for its continuity and material well-being? Who has got the drive to rise up in the material world and do what it takes to get there? 

Whose immune system is healthy or unhealthy? Who has got the values by which we can nurture our young correctly? Who has got the vitality and joy to correct our collective patterning into the future? Who has got the skills that can bring out the depth so the correction can be creatively expressed?

And who has got the receptivity and the vision to know which creative direction we should invest our wealth into? These are the things you can recognize and know! Once your mind is no longer burdened with worrying about your life, these are the things it can start to pay attention to instead.

For yourself, you can become wise about the fact that you have nothing to prove, that your value is innate. You can be wise about when enough is enough and when to let go.

And with the patience to wait for recognition and an invitation, it is your emotional body that will let you know with whom you are here to connect, and whom you are here to guide in a way that brings you success and fulfilment. 

A question about the Human Design Nodes and Perspective/Transference

This is a question from a student in one of my Human Design professional certification classes.

"Quick question about the Nodes. I always assumed that once we're aligned, we see through that particular lens all the time. I just wanted to confirm if that was true or if there is a 'now you see it, now you don't' interplay happening? There's always the ebb and flow, coming to know things through contrast. As I'm writing this, I'm suddenly thinking about transference always being part of the cognitive process, which might account for the 'now you don't' counterbalance. My 27.4 South Node is in an undefined center pointed at an open gate 50. So my mind is conditioned to think about and learn about it in that way, which it does all the time. It primes the way I frame every encounter and moment by moment experience. Can I trust this to be natural, or might it be obsessive?"

The magnetic monopole is the agent that holds our personality and design together in an illusion that we are separate from each other. The Design North Node and Personality South Nodes are called "Link Nodes" and connect our design and personality. The Nodes are the windows of your vehicle. When you look out of the vehicle, most of us will see things primarily in two ways: either our perspective or our distraction. That vacillation between the two will always be there.

This information is not about trying to avoid being distracted by your color transference. It's about watching the counterpoint of your view and knowing when the windows are foggy—your distraction—to do your best to observe what happens when you can follow your body vs. when the conditioned mind moves you. When you operate and "see" correctly, out pops your motivation when in alignment for action. This information not about controlling how you see or trying to see things differently. Ra simplified everything down to follow your strategy and authority and to watch the movie because you will see it if you can be aware of it.

Ra teaches that if you are NOT operating correctly (strategy and authority) and the body isn't aligned to the correct determination and environment, your magnetic monopole will not have the right capture frequency. Therefore, your perspective will be distracted. Now, as when riding in a car, you will see the terrain shift. Your attunement to seeing the objects as you ride along the highway of life will ALWAYS be sensitized to seeing your nodal environment gates. Always. Because this is the environment where you can fulfill your purpose.

Nodes are the stage upon which your life is set, your storyline which you carry around with you no matter where you go. This cross of life is the framework for where you be (design) and how you see (personality). When someone has your nodal gates in their design, you are attracted to either seeing them (conscious) or being around them (unconscious). If they have the Sun/Earth in exact lines, you may feel an unexplainable draw to them for you to fulfill your karmic connection with them.

We are on choiceless geometries. Surrender to watching your movie move and just witness, see, be aware. Let the body move you. What I call "Nodal draw" can be applied to all life cycles wherein someone comes into your life, and they are simply part of your life cycle seeing—beyond this class's scope to explain in detail here.

We address this in a Life Cycles Analysis and Cycles Certification. An undefined nodal gate is a strong hook, a conditioning receptor of the undefined center.

What causes Center conditioning?

Decision-making from adaptive mental strategies. Anyone or a transit lights up that center through definition. Example of having gate 27 as a node: Your mind becomes obsessed with gate 50's themes of "responsibility, either avoiding it or taking on too much because of fear." YOU CAN NEVER TRUST YOUR MIND'S MENTAL PROCESS ABOUT YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. This is because it is never reliable, it is always conditioned by life and who you are with, especially as a Projector.

If all nodes in someone's design are in an undefined state, the ride is much bumpier in that there is not the same consistency in the being's life, and the spirit (auric signature) can be broken. So those of us (I am one of them) who have all undefined nodes are more likely to have real inconsistencies in the path we are walking and the people we walk them with over our lifetimes.

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My Human Design Analyst Teacher Training PTL 1 Experience

A Human Design Professional Teacher’s Journey

Learning to Train Human Design Professional Analysts

Learning to Train Human Design Professional Analysts

I entered into Human Design during my Saturn Life Cycle.

I entered into Human Design during my Saturn Life Cycle.

In 2020, I entered into my 8th year of deconditioning journey and my first year as a Professional IHDS Analyst Teacher candidate this year. I’d like to share my Human Design Analyst Teacher training experience with you here.

I began studying Human Design from Jovian Archive’s in 2012 when I was invited into it. My success as a guide and teacher over the past 6 years lead me to commence my Professional Analyst Teacher candidacy at the International Human Design School at the beginning of 2020. It felt amazing to get new Ra material of him teaching Analysts himself! I felt as excited as I was back in 2015 when I began my Human Design analyst training with Darshana Matthews at Human Design America and as thrilled as when I took Alokanand Diaz Del Rio’s Incarnation Crosses in 2016.

I’m a wife, mother, and entrepreneur currently going through the fight of my life on the health front. Having bought my 9th and 10th real estate properties over my life this year, right before our economy was shut down by COVID-19 (becoming a property owner again for the first time since the real estate market crash in 2008) it was vital for me to engage with the Human Design education material on my terms. I’m a lifelong learner and feel it is vital to the health of my brain and my professional endeavors as a Human Design Teacher to follow the path of professionalism. I go where my students invite me to go when the availability of finances and my clarity makes it possible.

Listening to Ra initiate new Analysts to do the empowering work as an Analyst Teacher, one of the most important things I learned was to see how each person would be a different kind of Analyst and cultivate them towards their strengths. No surprise, we are all so very different! But it was an eye-opener to me to hear him say that it was my responsibility to discourage people from Analyst training if it was apparent that they were not cut out for the work of being a Human Design Analyst.

As a consciously abstract collective Projector with a totally open Ajna, I often feel like tuning into another frequency for a new experience or exposure to a different way of looking at things. Being 3/5 and Emotional, having learned so much from other Manifestors in our industry, like Ra, Alok, and Genoa Bliven (mostly from recordings) I knew that Manifestors I resonated with had the power to impact me deeply.

Lynette Hagins, IHDS teacher

Lynette Hagins, IHDS teacher

Considering my IHDS Analyst Teacher training options, I personally wanted to see how Lynette, a 6/2 Manifestor on the Cross of Obscuration with the Sun in 62.6, would impact me with her profound awareness. Personally, my Saturn Cycle that I am ending now is also the same 6/2 Cross of Obscuration 1, so I’ve always been interested in what she had to say and enjoyed hearing from her in the community. I felt reassured by Lynette's complete acceptance of my uniqueness and where I was at emotionally and physically during the bumpy movie of mine.

I am in the beginning of my Uranus Opposition, interestingly the 61.6 common to my Saturn Cycle shows up again, this time in Pluto fixed in the Exaltation.

I am in the beginning of my Uranus Opposition, interestingly the 61.6 common to my Saturn Cycle shows up again, this time in Pluto fixed in the Exaltation.

I chose Lynette Hagins at the International Human Design School for my first year of auditing (repeating) the three semesters of the Human Design Analyst Professional Training Level 1, which is three semesters long over one full year.

Lynette makes learning professional, engaging, exciting, and fun! Her experience as an experimenter and teacher of the Human Design System is extensive. Lynette has a profound grasp of this obscure yet life-transforming knowledge. In her no-nonsense way, she goes above and beyond to ensure you are empowered to master this System. I really enjoyed her entertaining teaching style, her compassionate understanding of having been through her own human design journey, and her willingness to be straightforward about her process through sharing signposts of the evolution as a Human Design Professional.

Lynette and the IHDS give you everything and precisely what you need to know for mastering how a bodygraph can be analyzed. I felt delighted to discover the flexibility of opportunities they gave for engaging with the material in a way that addresses all learning styles and strengths. She encourages you to practice while leaving it up to your own authority regarding how you participate in the classes in a way that works for you.

I often found myself nodding in recognition, smiling, or laughing when listening to her teaching. Usually, I would listen again to classes while keeping my hands busy (I have a receptive brain and active environment) to make sure I got clarity on the concepts. Lynette very logically described things and was delighted to increase my understanding of this vast System. I felt such a level of deep appreciation for her keynoting style. As a Human Design Projector and total geek, it is so much fun to continue the learning through immersion in different teacher's learning styles - and being able to hear not only from Lynette but also from other Human Design analyst teachers this IHDS course provided access to, like Ra Uru Hu, Becky Markley, and Cathy Kinnaird.

I can attest that Lynette has the consistent willpower to initiate her tribe and empower other individuals on the road to awakening with her mutative energetic influence. She empowers with her energy to seduce you to fall in love with Human Design even more profoundly than you already are. Hard to imagine for me, but at the end of a year, it is true! Her love of sharing the profound keys to mastering this obscure yet logical System and her understanding delivered to you with an inspiring educational style is grounded in her wealth of experience.

Suppose it's correct for you to learn from a 6/2 Manifestor like Lynette. Personally, with my nodes being in the 6th lines consciously and 2nd lines unconsciously, I could really see where she was coming from. Her examples and life stories she shared to illustrate different points of awareness resonated deeply. When you decide to embark upon this transformative journey with her in classes, I know you'll be pleased with your decision to pursue the path of Human Design Professional training because of its power to transform you profoundly. I highly recommend Lynette as someone who is making a tremendous impact with her lived example of professionalism in our industry and as this System's teacher. She stands as an authentic, genuine role model who lights the way for her students' professional lives.

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Our ability to shine a light into the gathering darkness of this planetary shift we are going through is needed now more than ever as Human Design Professionals. This world needs us to help align our personal truth's strength to light a better way forward into an uncertain future. I know you can trust Lynette to empower and support your efforts to breakthrough disempowering old patterns and bring about a new order within yourself and the lives of those you touch as a Human Design Analyst.

You can learn more about Lynette if correct for you at her site Authority in You.