Tony Robbins' Human Design - Human Design Professionals in Training Study Group

Human Design Professionals in Training Study Group with Tony Robbins’ bodygraph

Anthony Jay Robbins (born Anthony J. Mahavoric, February 29, 1960) is an American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist. He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including the books Unlimited Power (published in 1986) and Awaken the Giant Within (published in 1993). via Wikipedia

Tori Amos Human Design Famous Rave Study Group

Human Design Professional Study Group

Tori Amos chart thanks to Melanie Halpert

"Tori Amos is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. She is a classically trained musician with a mezzo-soprano vocal range. Having already begun composing instrumental pieces on piano, Amos won a full scholarship to the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University at the age of five, the youngest person ever to have been admitted." Wikipedia

Birth name: Myra Ellen Amos
Born: August 22, 1963, Newton, North Carolina, U.S.
Genres: Alternative rock, chamber pop, art pop, electronic

Bob Marley's Bodygraph Chart - Human Design Professionals Study Group

Today we discussed Bob Marley’s Human Design Chart

Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley OM (Born February 6th 1945 at 2:30am)

Bob Marley was a Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter of international fame worldwide acclaim. From 1963 as the lead and a guitarist of the Wailers, he expressed a deep and profound songwriting and vocal style that has only grown over the decades. The Wailers released some of the earliest reggae records. The Wailers disbanded in 1974. Bob Marley pursued a solo career which led to the release of “Exodus” an album from 1977 which established his reputation and secured his family’s wealth for generations to come. He was a highly spiritual Rastafari whose music brought comfort and hope to those who were open to hearing his unique message. As I grew up in Hawaii I heard it a lot on the radio personally and did love it.

Bob died from lung cancer in May of 1981

The Human Design System DreamRave Design

What is your DreamRave Design?

Mine’s a Reflector

Most likely, you are too, as almost 70% of humans are. 

Notice in the above image that the Design of a dreamer is much simpler than your familiar Human Design Chart. The Head, Ajna, Ego and Solar Plexus centers are switched off when we sleep. So your DreamRave appears as a 5-Centered Design, as opposed to 9-Centered, with just 15 Gates instead of the usual 64.

The DreamRave calculation is 88 degrees of the Moon’s movement before your natal imprint and only includes current positions of the planets in mammalian gates. For these reasons, many people often see a Type change between their waking and sleeping designs.

Don’t want to do the calculations yourself? You can discover your Dream Rave Design by ordering your DreamRave chart here. Purchase it as part of your Full Advanced Chart or just choose the DreamRave chart only.

"Dream Design is perhaps one of the most interesting maps that exists in my work. It is fascinating because when you finally get hold of this and grasp it, you get to understand how powerful the impact of Dream Design programming can be.”

~ Ra Uru Hu

The Design of a Dreamer

Everyone has a unique DreamRave design that differs dramatically from their waking Human Design. When you compare the two side-by-side, you can immediately see the stark contrast and the limitation. statistics of Type by DreamRave:

  • Reflector: 67.56% 

  • Projector: 14.93%

  • Generator: 16.64%

  • Manifesting Generator: 0.72%

  • Manifestor: 0.16%

    Here is an example of a Human Design System DreamRave Chart:

Human Design System DreamRave Chart Example

Human Design System DreamRave Chart Example

A note on buying Your DreamRave Chart:

This is not an interpretive service, it simply shows you what your dream design is.

Charts are run by hand so please be patient upon ordering as fulfillment is not instantaneous.

Read on for more of what your Dream Design can tell you! Ra taught that it’s the deepest conditioning, even higher than your split as a conditioning force.

“The level of conditioning that takes place while you're unconscious is incredible. I don't say this to take away from whatever your particular unique delight happens to be in your own dreamscape. My job isn't to destroy the illusions, it’s just to reveal the mechanics. I don’t care what illusion you want to go with, but the mechanics are very clear. The moment you step into that lunar body and shed most of your Personality, is the moment that you're going to be deeply conditioned.” Ra Uru Hu

What does Human Design say about our Dreams?

We spend about a third of our lives asleep. We have a different design in our waking state, that of our mammalian heritage. That means a third of our time alive is being conditioned as a form which is as alien to who we think we are as being a dolphin or a dog!

Mainstream science of dream interpretation is vastly different than the Human Design System Dream Interpretation and the role of nighttime dreams are viewed quite differently by us professionals of this fascinating tool for self-discovery.

Homogenization Station: Standard Dream Theory

“Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung were pioneers in the field of dream psychology who theorized that dreams represent our deepest unconscious desires and impulses. They popularized the method of interpreting dream content with abstract symbolism and free association.

While modern dream scientists have mostly called these into question and replaced them with a new set of theories about, for example, the role of dreams in helping us process emotions, we are still left trying to interpret dream content and meaning.”

Most people interested in dreams have heard of Jungian dream theory, which states that dreams reveal more than they conceal. Carl Jung rejected Sigmund Freud’s dream theory interpretation—Freud believed dreams were mainly a product of discharging sexual (tabooed) impulses. He maintained that our dreams held important clues to be interpreted for insight into how our minds think.

Carl Gustav Jung’s Human Design Chart 2/4 Cross of the Unexpected

Carl Gustav Jung’s Human Design Chart 2/4 Cross of the Unexpected

Jung, on the other hand, stated that dreams are a natural expression of our imagination and needn't be interpreted for them to perform their function. Instead, he suggested that dreams are doing the work of integrating the conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche.

Sigmund Freud Human Design System Chart 4/6 Cross of the Sphinx

Sigmund Freud Human Design System Chart 4/6 Cross of the Sphinx

The Human Design System’s DreamRave Design

Unlike Jung and Freud's theories, Human Design's DreamRave element is not about teaching us how to interpret our dreams for personal meaning. DreamRave is also not dependent on us remembering or not what happened. It’s not about lucid dreaming, either.

The DreamRave knowledge is yet another compelling aspect of the Human Design System that is astounding in its accuracy. Your DreamRave chart identifies your sleeping design to provide you with valuable data about why you dream what you do. The insights into what Ra called the "Night Forces" can be quite profound and hard to swallow as not being personal if you've spent a lifetime identifying with your dreams as “yours.”

The Shephard’s Dream by Henry Fuseli

The Shephard’s Dream by Henry Fuseli

As a helpful tool for awakening empowerment in your daily reality, your DreamRave gives you data about your nighttime illusions the way no other system can. Created from the same data that calculates your waking Human Design, your DreamRave illustrates the thematics of the conditioning you receive from the neutrino program while you sleep. Your DreamRave chart can show you what's holding you back from being empowered in your waking life—something you cannot see from your regular or even Advanced Human Design Chart.

“The work in DreamRave includes the ability to understand the actual mechanism of the sleep state, and the mechanical ways in which we are being conditioned and homogenized in that process.

This is a fascinating process as it helps us understand the nature of the dream archetype in a way that is mechanically precise. That is, there are different kinds of Personas. Each of the Personas’ carries a dualistic archetype, and these archetypes are what populate our dreams; they are the foundation for dream scenarios within the DreamRave itself.

So much of the attention about the nature of dreaming has been focused on interpretation rather than understanding it as a “seduction.” It’s one of the most brilliant seductions the program has—the dreamer's movie, the release from the normal domain, and the quality of the science fiction of it all.

We Are Receptors

If you look at a BodyGraph and the emptiness or open centers, it explains why it's so difficult for the average human being to escape homogenization; we are nothing but receptors.

When you're awake, you have the ability to deal with the conditioning to those receptors because you're conscious. You have a Strategy and Authority, a way of navigating through the conditioning field so that you're not drawn away from your possibilities; but, not when you're asleep, let alone all those human beings sleeping in somebody else's aura.”

What’s Your Weakness?

Your DreamRave may have an area of pressure called a "weak point." Some people have a weak point in their sleeping Design. A weak point shows where you are vulnerable, susceptible to certain influences that are not you. When your DreamRave Gates are bridging Gates in your waking Design, they represent areas of weakness that can filter into daytime awareness. If you are not aware of this, these areas can cause you to make decisions that are not in alignment with your true nature. Strategy and Authority are your protection from the weak point.

"... when you‘re looking at your Design and you‘re looking at your DreamRave the first exercise for you is to look at those gates or definition that translate over from your Design to the DreamRave and begin to look at them as your weakest point, and begin to think about them in that context, begin to see that this is your most vulnerable place. And then to begin to watch what it‘s like for you each day when you begin your process to see how these themes that are there are going to emerge one way or another, and they do. It is the brilliance of the program."
Ra Uru Hu


One of my Deepest conditioning elements is Sex

Here’s an example of nighttime conditioning. If we were to take Gate 50 into my waking Design’s split definition (two areas of colored in centers separated from each other create a split), you can see that because Gate 27 is hanging in my undefined sacral center, so adding the 50 would create a channel.

See how in my DreamRave Chart, Gate 27 is not there but Gate 50 is—Gate 50 is one of the deepest areas of weakness for me. Together gates 27-50 create the Channel of Preservation, having nothing to do with sex in the waking Design—but in the sleeping, mammalian-like Design, it governs reproduction - ie sex.

I remember growing up, all the way up until a few years ago (when my human design experiment really started to change me) I would often have dreams with fearful, sometimes sexual themes. Imagine how disturbed I was to also experience lots of massacres, cataclysms and bodies decaying! Gate 42 is from the demon realm, and it was responsible for a lot of nightmares for me before I started getting realigned.

The understanding derived through getting a DreamRave reading several years ago brought me so much relief from the confusion that identifying with those dreams can bring! I even remember killing people in my dreams, and waking up thinking, what the heck is wrong with me!

Can you imagine? 


What’s holding you back from Living Your Design? Conditioning.

The DreamRave can show you what’s holding you back from living your design. In changing the example above slightly—say you have both gates 27 and 50 (the Channel of Preservation) during sleep but your Human Design chart does not have that channel defined, and your authority is Solar Plexus.

The dilemma here is that you are so be deeply conditioned to behave in a Splenic (spontaneous) way, it can be a tough challenge to cultivate the patience necessary in decision-making as an Emotional being.

The benefits of understanding your DreamRave

“What you get in the dream can poison your waking consciousness.”  Ra Uru Hu


People who have delved into their DreamRave increased ability to notice the conditioning pressures at night. By understanding the dynamics at work, you are less likely to be held in the thrall of night time conditioning.

Many people who have experimented with implementing a strict routine of following their Primary Health System with their first meal of the day have also found tremendous benefits in terms of increased awareness and ability to follow their Strategy and Authority.

This has certainly been the case for me; I began following my PHS in January of 2013. Can’t remember killing anyone in my dreams since 2014.

Going to sleep correctly for your Type and sleeping in your own aura prepares you to enter into the dream state so that what you can take from it is of value to you, and wake up as yourself!

DreamRave study is a powerful and rewarding way of analyzing dreams that can empower you to let go of what isn't your authentic waking truth.


I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the Human Design DreamRave. I've studied it on my own and with IHDS. I am looking forward to right timing to submit my final project so that I can contribute peace of mind to others who can find comfort in this knowledge through correct operation.

Jovian has info for those of you this week who would like to delve into the realms of what Ra called the DreamScape. DreamRave knowledge offers us keynotes for each of the Gates, categorized into three groups; the Light Field, the Demon Realm, and the Earth Plane.

Discovering your dreamscape and the persona you don at night helps you comprehend the depth of your nighttime conditioning. With DreamRave, you can see how these influences affect you while you sleep. The residual imprints on your consciousness when you awaken can be understood through this knowledge.

If you are a student of Human Design and have the Maia Mechanics Imaging Software, here’s where to buy Jovian’s Human Design DreamRave extension.

The original source article written by invitation under birth name Andrea Abay-Abay in 2015. Portions republished here with permission.

Who was Human Design System founder, Ra Uru Hu?

My latest keynoting of Ra Uru Hu.

Photo via Ra’s official site:

Will  Instinctively Innovate

and practically market  the details of an

empowering, competitive,  creative new system ​

to initiate others into perfecting their form ​

using a penetrating awareness of higher principals, ​

unconsciously impacting with genius efficiency

through the path of individuality, ​

the authoritative details of what he thinks 

as an Independent Clarion ​

whose purpose is fulfilled through his mind’s message ​

that has the power to shock the world into a new direction ​

using the energy potential to manifest inspiration without limitation. ​

His unusual monkish behavior led to transformation through retreat ​

that promised deliverance with a resoluteness of leadership ​

to be first in awakening by establishing answers and solutions as an authority on memory

to bring about Peace.

Creator of the Human Design System

Creator of the Human Design System

Ra’s BG5 Profit Potential:

As an Instinctive Innovator ​

and Practical Marketer, ​

Ra was a detailed authority who provided a system ​

that helped you to quit doing things for the money, ​

just quit being disempowered with that old stuff to join the new!​

He also promised and sold Inspiration ​

through establishing relationships that are interdependent, ​

his core essence being an investigator of occult knowledge ​

to become an authority on the wisdom of Inner Truth.​

Unconsciously Ra was driven to sell the collective a dream of efficiency ​

through enlightened selfishness ​

while communicating the acceptance of limitation ​

that brings about Freedom from pressure and stress.​

Valuing Principals which organize others ​

through potential sensitivity to the needs of his tribe, ​

he unconsciously sold pleasure through the wisdom of popular discontent.​

One of my favorite quotes of Ra.

One of my favorite quotes of Ra.

The brilliance of this man was truly incredible. The deeper I dive into Human Design, including the Rave Psychology, BG5 and OC16 systems he developed, the more in awe I am of my life and my place in it.

Thank you, Ra!

Why the Demise of Brangelina May Have Happened: A look with Human Design

Photo via

Photo via

The Demise of Brangelina - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's Human Design Connection chart

"Jolie and Pitt married on August 23, 2014, at their estate Château Miraval in Correns, France. She subsequently took on the name "Jolie Pitt". After two years of marriage, the couple separated in September 2016; in her divorce filing, Jolie requested physical custody of their children." Wikipedia


After nearly ten years in the spotlight, "super-couple" Brad and Angelina Jolie-Pitt, American actors, were married yet only three years later, divorce was in the air. 

Here are their individual Human Design Charts (links allow you to save then to your free online Human Design software):

Angelina is a Martyr - Heretic (3/5) Profile, Split Definition Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority on the Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (35/5 | 63/64)

Brad is an Opportunist - Role Model (4/6) Profile, Single Definition Projector with Splenic Authority on the Right Angle Cross of Eden (11/12 | 6/36)

As the two dominant Aura Types on the planet, Generators and Projectors often can be found in pair bonding - with the Projector acting as a natural guide for the Generator's powerful energy.

With her Emotional, Sacral, Heart, and Throat centers defined, Angelina must have been irresistible for Brad with everything open but his Root and Splenic centers. Likely Angelina found a sense of security in his defined Splenic center. They both define the Root center on their own.

What's your assessment - who's in charge here, and why did they have issues in their relationship?

Here's a recent recording of my free (to clients and students) study group

In this excerpt of a live Study Group on Composite Human Design Charts, we look at Angelina as an example. I share a little bit of insight into Angelina Jolie's relationship with Brad Pitt, and briefly look at her previous relationships as well as Mom & Dad.

Don't know who they are? (Really!?)
See "Brangelina"

Would you like to discover how you are here to love another? Book A Private Relationship Session now.

Want to go deeper into your relationship?
Book a Relationship Class instead (it's like an extended reading but in group format over 2 months). Join us for "How You Are Designed to Love." 



Donald Trump: Our Next American President's Design of Tribal Leadership

Human Design System Analysis: Donald Trump

This morning we arose to the Heretical expression of the Left Angle Cross of Defiance in the transits; and Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States of America. I'm not surprised.

When I compared what I knew of Donald's design with what I knew of Hillary's (I've been analyzing her chart as part of my final Human Design Analyst Exam which I'll submit in two weeks) I knew he would win.

Donald Trump has a tremendous capacity for intellectual development and the building of society as 1/3 Profile with the Cross of Eden. He could achieve his potential life purpose if he responds to what life brings him with emotional clarity to establish a secure foundation, using caution to be clear about manifesting ideas that establish a new order out of the old.

If you'd like to see what I find hopeful about Donald, read this article. I did my best to provide an objective view of his design. I'm motivated by Hope, while being able to accept what is. I hope we all can pull through this coming time of turbulent transition, and Trump has what it takes to help bring about Eden or “Make America Great Again”.

The name, Donald Trump immediately conjures emotion—ranging from admiration and hope to disgust and loathing. And it’s no wonder; he’s emotional. Dark days are common for Trump; reading his Republican nomination acceptance speech, can you feel what he was feeling when he gave it?

Image via

Emotional beings like Donald Trump can be powerfully attractive or repulsive, depending on the energetic quality of the emotions they are broadcasting and how others are resonating with that feeling. If he responds as a deeply conditioned next President, you don't have to stretch your imagination far to picture the chaotic force he could be for the world if he makes world-impacting decisions in the emotional peaks of hope or valleys of pain. If he charges around deciding exactly at the moment he should never trust—either when elated at the high end, or when in agony at the low end—he can make terrible spontaneous choices which can later bring guilt or regret, not only to him, but to us all. When the extremes of his emotional waves have passed, we will have to live with the results of his emotional, guilt-induced actions if he’s not operating correctly.

All emotional beings set the mood frequency of the environment. We not only need a President who is patient and emotionally clear when making a decision—it is imperative that Trump specifically, with his design, is patient. I hope he (and his advisers) can recognize his impact of sending chaos into the world and counsel him to patience. The security of our world depends on it.

Donald Trump is a Generator with Manifesting Potential...

...aka “Express Builder”

There is only one channel that creates a pure Manifesting Generator; that’s a Channel his rival Hillary Clinton has. The Channel of Charisma (34-20), connects the Energy Resource of the Sacral center directly to the Communication and Manifestation of the Throat center. So, to be mechanically correct in Human Design, Trump is a Generator with Manifesting potential. This makes Trump an “Express Builder” in the career language of BG5. BG5 is the small business (3-5 people, a "Penta") application of the Human Design System;  OC16 (the organizing channels of 2-4 Pentas; up to 16 people) covers larger businesses, of which Donald has two channels that give him his big business strengths of Management and Interaction. Interaction is about building large businesses - think Richard Branson, who also has this strength.

Like all Express Builder Career Types, Trump is here to experience satisfaction through responding to his environment - but his design requires that he wait for emotional clarity to bring this about correctly OR frustration/anger is the result.

Donald's energetic presence is designed to attract others. Non-verbally he envelops those around him with a powerful pull; its one of the OC16 strengths he unconsciously has consistently within him. Express Builders can be highly impatient to make things happen, to “Just Do It.” Their decision-making strategy to avoid resistance is to engage with what and who moves towards them first, rather than initiating. Since Trump is emotionally defined, he can make the right choice at the right time if he trusts the Emotional Intelligence of his Solar Plexus.


What does this all mean?

Trump has no truth in the moment of response as an emotional being—his authentic clarity comes with time. Mature emotional people have made a fool of themselves often enough to come to this awareness by the time their Kiron return comes ‘round.

Donald Trump's decision-making process requires patience and familiarity with what it feels like to follow his body's GUT RESPONSE OVER TIME TO DEVELOP emotional intelligence. 


Now that Trump is President-Elect, it would be wise of him to seek a unique kind of adviser—one that knows how to ask him a penetrating question to activate his Authority over time. These questions are asked not with the intent of the inquirer to understand him or lead him in a particular direction that the adviser believes right. Questions provide Trump the ability to better gauge his emotional gut response over time.

Trump’s Transitoriness

Get Donald Trump's Human Design Chart

Get Donald Trump's Human Design Chart

Donald Trump’s unconscious Sun is in Gate 36, the Gate of Crisis. This gate gives him the potential emotional depth to endure crisis and embrace change. It’s in the third line, causing Trump to be unable to let go of the past because of his feelings at times. Gate 36 meets up with its harmonic, Gate 35, the Gate of Change. It’s also in the third line and fixed in the detriment. This brings on Trump’s need to be the center for progress while ignoring other people’s importance.

Donald Trump's Human Design Channel of Transitoriness

Together, Gates 36 and 35 define the Channel of Transitoriness, a design of a Jack of All Trades and brings the strength of Experience. This manifested channel gives Trump an emotional voice, “I experience/feel,” appealing to the collective for progress and change. Transitoriness is displayed in the wide variety of Trump’s business endeavors. He just can’t help pulling others into them. Trump is choiceless in sharing these adventures.

The 35/36 is the creative expression of the collective; it's about trying out new things and penetrating the surface of new experiences. Feelings are transitory. With the roller-coaster of unconscious emotions this channel brings, Trump is a slave to his desires for new endeavors which he feels will bring about progress. His channel is made up of two resonant third lines—they are his unconscious profile gates. As a result, Trump can’t help but bang into things, discovering through trial and error.  A baser form of this channel's expression is it brings sexual talent. 


Life has its ups and downs, and when you enter into an experience with certain expectations, you can end up very angry when your expectations aren’t met! Crisis is the name of the game if Trump doesn’t use patience, responding over time and releasing expectations. Trump can find true satisfaction if he makes commitments for the experience itself… calmly, without nervousness. According to Human Design Psychology, Trump’s correct motivation as a Color 2 Personality is called Hope. This is in stark contrast to making spontaneous emotional decisions out of Guilt, trying to fix things (his motivational transference). Wanting to have a particular result or make a certain kind of impact leads Trump to frustration and anger.

Other Presidents with the Channel of Transitoriness

George W Bush's Human Design

Of the most recent 35/36 President, George W. Bush (who also had this channel unconscious) Ra Uru Hu remarked he would lead us into crisis. Bush was a 5/1 Manifestor; fifth lines are projected upon to play the General and Savior in times of need. Sure enough, “With two overseas wars and a potentially catastrophic economic downturn, President George W. Bush is leaving office with some of the lowest public-approval ratings and worst assessments from historians and political scientists of any chief executive.”

Get Former President George W. Bush's Human Design Chart

Get Former President George W. Bush's Human Design Chart

Before you get too worried, here’s a highly celebrated past President, considered to be one of the best, also with the 35/36 unconscious—Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy was a 3/5 Manifestor who won a Nobel Peace Prize. “Roosevelt was the first president to receive the Medal of Honor.... Teddy Roosevelt's energetic vision helped bring the nation into the new century. America owes nearly 200 million acres of national forest and parkland to his foresight—some of which can be viewed atop Mount Rushmore, where Roosevelt's visage is carved in memorial.”

But there’s ever so much more to a person than just one channel, so let’s see what else defines the man we know as THE Donald.

Donald Trump’s Emotional Generation of Conflict

Trump’s Unconscious Earth (Grounding/Balance) is in line 3 of Gate 6, the Gate of Conflict, which gives him the ability to secure the support of the tribe and create strength out of a weak position, rejecting allegiance to old forms. This gate meets up with it’s harmonic, Gate 59 in his unconscious Moon (driving force), the Gate of Sexuality, bringing a drive for sexual and intimate diversity. Trump as Gate 59 in line 6, “the One Night Stand.”

The 59/6 brings in the other Solar Plexus definition—a pure generated emotional authority. This is the Channel of Mating, a design Focused on Reproduction. Another unconscious definition, it gives him the consistent ability to break down barriers to achieve union. Donald Trump has an auric field that penetrates people, by pulling them in.

The Donald's Human Design Decision-Making Authority

The 59/6 channel controls the openness or not to intimacy. This “Mating” is about supporting the tribe with creating—whether it’s the reproductive capacity to be a fertile human or a productive businessman. In Human Design business language of BG5/OC16, the 59/6 is Interaction. Gate 59 is known as Investigation, and gate 6 is Environment. Again, because this channel creates an Emotional Solar Plexus definition it is crucial that Trump learns patience to wait out his emotional waves before committing to intimate relationships or creative endeavors.

Making and breaking bonds would have been his theme of intimacy and business interaction in the first 30 years of his life, with both 59/6 gates operating as a third line. The third lines are the most material of all the lines. Trump trial-and-errored his way through business endeavor after business endeavor, discovering what does not work. The 3rd line is resilient; it needs to be able to break the bond with what isn’t working and picks itself up when it fails, going on to try something else. Trump clearly demonstrates the determination to figure out what does work on the material plane through what does not.

Trump’s personality energy dynamic (Mars) has the power to persevere. Consciously defining the Gate of Perseverance (29) in his powerful Sacral Center is exalted in the 3rd line of Evaluation—thank goodness as it should balance out his not-self impulsiveness with the power to wait. This activation is also another place of “trial and error” in learning about commitments. In the business world, this brings the energy for the group to commit to a goal and achieve it together.

The Donald's Human Design Channel of Money

A primary theme in Trump’s life is to learn to navigate and master the material plane. Fueled by the 45/21 Channel of Money, a design of a Materialist, Trump has the willpower to make promises and lead large groups of people. This channel is the ruling expression of the tribe; politically the tribal Monarchy. This is a channel of dictatorship, the strength of someone who is designed to rule as a king would. In a large organization, the 45/21 (Education/Implementation) is management. This is not a design of leading the collective like the 13-33 channel of the Prodigal, the design of a Witness, or the 7-31 Channel of the Alpha, a Design of Leadership (for good or bad) which is a democratic strength Hillary Clinton has.

Donald Trump's Channel of Money - An OC16 (large business) organizing channel
Politically = Tribal Rulership - this is the Monarchy!

The Channel of Money is designed to control material security and wealth—not just within a tribe, but over multiple tribes. Trump has an overwhelming drive to have (45) and control (21). It can be very hard for Trump to let go of being in control of everything. “The Donald” is over-controlling in a small group of 3-5 people—termed a Penta, which is a trans-auric form. He is not at all suited to this work environment, having no defined channels in the power column between the Sacral and the Throat. Trump is perfectly designed to lead large corporations, as we can see demonstrated in his life and recognized by the vote yesterday of the American populace to lead it.

Gate 45, the Gatherer, gives Trump the voice of “I have.” Gate 45 is defined in two places in Trump’s conscious personality. First let’s discuss his north node in line 5.

Nodes of the moon are positional; nodes aren’t objects in space that affect our genetic imprinting in the same way the rest of the planets do. Rather, nodes determine the way we are connected to the larger imprint of the Maia (illusion). Every aspect of your genetic imprint filtered through the nodes to reach you. Your nodal activations represent the “stage” of your life where you can fulfill your purpose. However, the nodes are not you; they are what you resonate to. As not-self, you identify with the nodes as you. But you are not here to be your nodes, they are here for you to see and to nourish you as a being.

Now, read the 5th line of Gate 45: “Leadership - All gathering together must have a center and a focus.” Trump has this line fixed in the exaltation: “The intuitive intellect and gift for innovation that enhance the group effort and ensure continuity through respect of the center. The gift for expressing leadership on the material plane.” Trump’s conscious nodal activations create a sensitivity and attunement to this material thematic—”Gathering Together” is exactly the right place for him to be to fulfill his purpose in this later stage of his life.

Trump’s Gate 45 is part of the 26/45 nodal polarity which is a very tribal, possessive environment; the voice of the people where most of us are shouting “I don’t have!” He is here to deal with this material environment and the tensions that arise between the haves and have-nots.

Interestingly, where Trump has his other Gate 45 activation is in Uranus (Unusualness/Chaos and Order/Science), conscious in the 1st line, “Canvassing”. He displays an unusual way of leading/educating that comes off insecure (just scan through his tweets). Note the detriment: An overzealousness that turns canvassing into proselytization and tends to alienate rather than gather support. The drive for material that leads to aggressive education.

How do you control people? Educating them! 45’s are in charge of Educating the Tribe.

Another gate in his powerful ego is activated twice in his personality. Trump has not only his conscious South Node in Line 5 of the Gate of the Egoist (26) but in his conscious Moon as well. These activations give him the power to control memory, the tricky salesperson’s ability which remembers what and how to sell his tribe on his product or concepts. This can range from pure exaggeration to outright lying

“As a lifelong salesman, he has a huckster’s knack for selling a feeling, even if the ideas and facts that underscore it are spurious, racist or just plain incomprehensible.” Nerdwriter. Marketing propaganda and aggressiveness are in his environment, but that killer instinct of what can support his tribe’s survival is also his conscious driving force.

Is Donald Trump going to be a Leader of the Tribes with a Killer Instinct?

With his unconscious Mercury (Communication/Thinking) in Gate 21, Trump speaks about the need to be in charge of his territory, and it’s true. Trump is not here to play second fiddle in any small band. Also, as a single definition, he can operate independently. Single definition people don’t need anyone else to process and assimilate information through their design.

Why is Donald Trump is so highly Opinionated?

It’s no secret that Trump speaks his mind. He can’t help but share his opinions, with the 17/62 Channel of Acceptance, a design of an organizational being, defining his Conceptualizing Ajna Center to his Throat Center. This gives him the voice of “I think” with a logical slant that may or may not have its facts straight. These are just his unconscious value/sociological (Venus) opinions his conscious Saturn (Discipline/The Judge/Restraint) causes him to externalize to his network. Trump is here to learn that those opinions of his can only be accepted by the collective when it serves the greater good.

Donald Trump's Mind - Genetic Imprinting Information via the Human Design System

Trump is designed to transmit certainty, being fixed in his opinions and expression of his ideas. When he’s been invited to do so, and he’s emotionally clear about their benefit to the collective, his opinions and ideas can be taken in by others successfully. Trump has Gate 11 in the fourth line of his unconscious north node; “The Teacher… Exalted: ...Ideas which can attract and inform the uneducated. Detriment: ...Ideas which can only be grasped by the few.” What we see most is someone known for not providing facts. This is a reason he is often rejected by the highly educated but not by those blinded by the confidence and willpower evident in his design.

The Donald's Human Design Channel of Acceptance = Fixed Opinions

Trump’s Gate 11 offers up a brief reprieve from the seriousness of his mind wanting to be President. In the Design of Comedy, there’s the Clown, the Fool, and the Idiot. Can you guess which one Trump has? Here’s a hint: Ra called it ‘anal humor’ which can be vulgar and embarrassing, behavior that just doesn’t fit in. When looked at from this perspective, Gate 11 is about sharing obviousness and experientially odd behavior paired with physical expressions that may be tough for others to handle. It’s an abstract sense of humor related to the solar plexus and can make people howl with laughter! Emotions sure do make an idiot out of you sometimes, don’t they?

Again, nodes are the stage in life where we can live out our purpose. In the first half of his life (before his Uranus opposition at 38 years old—his attainment of full adulthood) he was sensitive to seeing constant action without assessment by either the individual or the world. In the second half of his life, he is sensitive to seeing temptation all around him, where people are cautious—or not, more often. This world where people throw caution to the wind and succumb to temptation is due to Gate 12, which also happens to be where his conscious Sun shines.

Donald Trump’s Life's Work, as a Right Angle Cross of Eden...

...Articulating Conflict & Crisis Ideas

Trump’s conscious Earth is in the first line of Gate 11, the Gate of Ideas. Without the other side of the channel, this shows an insecurity, a mental anxiety that no one will value his ideas—the fear of anonymity. Trump likely recognizes that his success depends on being with others who share his goals, and has a gift of finding those who value his ideas.

Donald Trump was born when the Sun was in the second Quarter of the wheel, in gate 12, “Standstill”, the Gate of Caution. It’s one of three stop codons we have in the Human Design bodygraph.

Donald Trump's Incarnation Cross - Right Angle Cross of Eden

Donald Trump's Incarnation Cross - Right Angle Cross of Eden

Gate 12 has a tremendous mutative influence on on the collective. Gate 12 is part of the only channel in individual circuitry that is designed to speak for it. People with this Gate tend to have a rhythm to the way they speak that is unique, and it can have a subversiveness to it. This is a voice that says I know I can—if I'm in the mood. I know I can try—if I’m in the mood. This is a gate of caution; if Trump is not not in the mood, he will not try.

Now we’ve covered all four gates of Donald Trump’s Incarnation Cross—the Right Angle Cross of Eden 2 (12/11-36/6); this is all about EXPERIENCE. Trump has a "Right Angle" profile so he is here to fulfill a personal destiny that has to do with the world of Form, being born in the Quarter of Civilization. This quarter is about material progress through manifestation, building structures so that humanity can survive, grow, prosper and thrive. Trump's 1/3 Right Angle profile is in the research and development department as far as costumes we wear in life. As an "Investigative Martyr" his Public Role is that of a Detailed Authority and Determined Discoverer of his personal destiny - it pushes him to get to the bottom of things and discover through the school of hard knocks what doesn't work.

What is Donald Trump’s Truth?

Where we find the truth of Donald Trump’s Human Design is in the Gate of Privacy, Hexagram 33, activated twice by Pluto, both consciously and unconsciously in the third line.

This third line is called “Spirit - The attitude that turns retreat into victory.” As with all I-Ching gates, there are two sides to the coin. Privacy can be a path to success for Trump, or he will be a “bridge burner” so driven to privacy that he will cut off his relationships, often abruptly. This gate gives Trump the voice of “I remember” and the business skill of Oversight—the ability to oversee the entire operation and make sure everything’s running smoothly.

Donald Trump’s Individual Dysfunction

Because Trump is a single definition with four undefined centers (two of them totally open) we can point out the themes of his individual dysfunction on the material plane, what we call in Human Design the “not-self” because these can become shadow aspects of ourselves when we try to make these receptive areas where we take in life an inflexible, fixed part of us. Through conditioning, these open centers become where the adaptive strategies that Trump’s mind uses to make decisions for him that lead into frustrating and angry experiences due to the channels that define him. When Trump makes spontaneous decisions without caution, the satisfaction of a job well-done eludes him.

Trump’s Undefined Root - Always in a hurry

Trump can be in too much of a hurry.

His mind is pressurized start new experiences that can be confused, creating awkward and sometimes embarrassing situations. His unconscious Mars is in 53, fixed detriment: “A tendency with early success to haste and imprudent action. The pressure based on success to be impatient for something new). Trump and speaks of being at ease regardless of the situation, (conscious Mercury in 52 Line 6).

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Image via

Trump’s Undefined Spleen - Lack of Flexibility

Trump has lack of flexibility that causes him to hold onto things that are not good for him.

Conversely, because he does not know he needs to wait for emotional clarity, he could spontaneously let go of something that is good for him when someone else or a transit defines his Splenic Center.

Challenging authority (18 in both Neptunes, Unconscious Line 4, The Incompetent and Line 3, The Zealot) is something Trump does out of fear. Trump also has a fear of failure (32) and the fear of tomorrow (57).

When his Splenic Center is defined, Trump can smell talent (32 is the personnel manager). Trump can also hear a lie. Gate 57 brings him the penetrating, extraordinary power of intuition, which he has in one of those rare I-Ching lines that have no polarity. The 3rd line is called “Acuteness.” Exalted: “The perfected intelligence, where clarity eliminates doubt and ensures manifestation. The possibility of perfected intuition.”

Image via MyBodygraph

Image via MyBodygraph

Trump’s Open G - Role Confusion

Trump makes decisions with his mind that constantly searches for what to be, experiencing role confusion. This is clearly demonstrated in the many roles he’s played over the years in the search for his identity. Place is critical for Trump, and when he makes decisions with his mind it leads him to the wrong place, interacting with the wrong people, and then things tend to go awry.

Image via MyBodygraph

Image via MyBodygraph

Trump’s Open Head - Losing Focus


Last but not least, in a shadow state Trump’s totally open head center loses focus, as he amplifies the pressure to think about things that do not matter to him, not knowing what is truly inspirational and of benefit to humanity.

Each of these centers can be a rich source of wisdom in a being who is aligned with their authentic nature. But until life somehow drills into Donald Trump that what would work better for him is to wait to respond with patience, rather than initiating from his mind (his open center themes) we can continue to publicly witness his not-self in action. Thankfully, emotional people tend to mellow with time, and hopefully those who know Trump best can attest to that.

Image via Mybodygraph

Image via Mybodygraph

Trump’s Challenges & Signposts

Trump’s challenge is that he has a continual cycle of starting new things and giving up because he does not listen to his body and allows his mind to run his life. Being a serial quitter due to extreme frustration is the result. His body knows what it can use its energy for to gain satisfaction, which in Trump’s case takes time to feel out his response through the cycles of his emotional waves. It is unlikely that anyone has ever coached him to wait for life to come to him and be patient and clear before moving forward. Sheer frustration (and anger) are Trump’s signposts of incorrect decision making. The 45/21 and 35/36 provide Trump with a powerhouse of willful and emotional anger when operating incorrectly. When we see him in this resistant state, we know Trump has been guilty of initiating and trying to fix something from the mind—not being clear emotionally.

My Hope for Donald Trump...


Donald Trump has a tremendous capacity for intellectual development and the building of society as 1/3 Profile with the Cross of Eden. He could achieve his potential life purpose if he responds to what life brings him with emotional clarity to establish a secure foundation, using caution to be clear about manifesting ideas that establish a new order out of the old.

My Pessimism about Donald Trump...

The shadow side of Trump is that he is someone who can hugely impact the collective in a negative way. He could drag the U.S. into hurried, spontaneous decisions to try and secure a direction and identity for himself. Generating Crisis and Conflict, if Trump doesn’t adhere to caution when sharing his ideas and opinions, he'll lose focus, quitting when he gets frustrated or angry.

Donald Trump’s Childishness…

...a Deeply Conditioned Emotional Being

Any person with that much emotional definition in a not-self state could behave childishly. This can show up as emotional immaturity in the form of outbursts, tantrums, insults… you get the idea.

Observe the petulant set of his mouth. Hear the continual falsehoods and boasting, the blustering defiance, and hurling of Tweeted insults.

Children do not have the global awareness we learn to develop as conscious, mature adults. The way that Trump is designed to see when he is in the right place is called “Survival” which gets skewed to Wanting when he is not. I hope Trump knows he is here to see what is needed for the tribes to have a secure foundation and to survive the turbulence of our uncertain world. Not to try to fix anything, but to be motivated to generate and manifest in response to life through Hope.


Now that Donald Trump is to become the next President of the United States of America, I hope his Kironian learning program influences him to respond with patience. Discovering and following his true authority—the clarity of his emotional intelligence, his Solar Plexus generated response over time—can help ensure he is building what our world needs.

From his Victory speech:

"Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.

That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer." Donald Trump, President-Elect of the United States of America

Now that sounds quite hopeful to me.

A previous version of this article was published on