ICONIC Human Design

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An Introduction to Hexagram Line Substructure: Color

Photo via JovianArchive.com

"Very few people have a connection to this system at a level below the Hexagram line. Below the line is where the science is—the verification of Human Design at its deepest level." Ra Uru Hu

Once you have experimented with your Strategy and Authority for at least 6 months to a year, you may be ready to move deeper into discovering yourself.

Would you like to dive below the Line to discover when you are operating correctly, and when you aren’t?

Color gives you a powerful tool to help you live as yourself, stay healthy, and take your Human Design experiment and the experience of your life to a deeper level.

Why should you care about your Color? The benefits are many. It can make your life easier by helping you understand how best to feed and care for your body, and what qualities of the environments you frequent are most nourishing to you. How do you see the world differently? How are you best motivated to take action?

“Color” describes the neutrino expression from being filtered by your Personality and Design crystals—it is what determines the secret codes to unlock your highest potential in terms of your physical health and psychology.

Neutrino - Base, Tone, Color Photo via JovianArchive.com

The Substructure of the Hexagram Lines

Underneath the level of all hexagram Lines, the Human Design System describes further nuances of each Gate—labeled Color, Tone, and Base. Each Line of every one of your Gates carries has a ‘substructure’—containing one of six Colors, further differentiating those colors to one of six Tones and below that, one of five Bases.

Click here to read about Substructure and the IMPORTANCE of exact birth time.

Primary Health System (the Unconscious Design)

1. Dietary Regimen
2. Environment

Health problems seen in the symptoms of a body that isn't functioning at its optimum can be encouraged back into alignment using Strategy and Authority, then looking below the line to the Design Crystal, at the Color level.

Color exiting the Crystal correctly or not can either bring you towards or away from what is right for your body. This leads you to take in the nourishment for your body on the inside or outside that either supports your differentiation or homogenizes you. The ‘transference’ shows what you’ll be attracted to that has the power to homogenize you.


The Four Transformations Photo via JovianArchive.com

Rave Psychology (the Conscious Personality)

3. Perspective (View)
4. Motivation

Color transference is called “distraction” when it happens in the Personality Crystal from the nodal perspective, causing distortion in your perception of reality. When it happens from the Sun/Earth level, it's called "transference", and can lead you to be motivated to action incorrectly.

One of the most exciting and fascinating things to witness in your experiment is when you get to that place of actually catching yourself in transference/distraction, because it leads to the passenger being aware of whether actions are correct, and to awareness of the helplessness of being consciousness in form. It’s an alert to the mind that something is “off” that is subtle yet profound, and it’s then that Ra tells us to ask ourselves “Who’s watching?” This brings us in touch with being the witness, the passenger in our bodies, watching the movie of our lives.

See this product in the original post

Again, first before experimenting with this information: be correct at the surface before moving down below the surface of the line, and you’ll find this depth of the knowledge much richer and more rewarding.

Time to Wake-Up to Yourself

We have the techniques to realize our differentiated uniqueness, to witness life as an awake being. We have the potential to be aware filters of the neutrino field flowing through us. Everyone alive now is here with the possibility of experiencing that neutrino field when it filters through our Crystals as authentic, unique, individuated and empowered inner truth. Experiencing your own self-reflected consciousness in form is quite a thing to witness.

To discover your personal truth, experiment with your Strategy and Authority, and if that leads you to Color, explore the Four Transformations. Find out for yourself what it's like to journey a path that is only yours to tread. You’re not here to be copied: with no footprints to follow, no one to carry you, and leaving no trace, your journey is a grand adventure, and you’re its sole primary witness. We are all of us alone on this journey, waking up individually, one person at a time. Enjoy your movie!

Here is a great introduction to the Human Design System online by my primary teacher, Ra Uru Hu

Written for Jovian Archive. Republished with permission.

Note: One of the most important cognitive tools for non-energy types (Projector/Advisor and Reflector/Evaluator) is Motivation, which is derived from Color and is an aspect of Rave Psychology. I highly recommend all Strategic [LEFT ARROW] Personality mind, check out Motivation IF your Authority agrees it’s time to observe your mind objectively. If you have a Passive [RIGHT ARROW] Brain system, it is best to start off experimenting with the 1st of the Four Radical Transformations (Primary Health System, the Determination which is your Dietary Regimen). Here is a quote from Ra about this fascinating subject of Motivation.

"I look at motivation and I see it as the deepest challenge that is there for anyone who is trying to complete this holistic process of transformation and awakening. The personality is always a dilemma. The mind and its deep connection with the vehicle and its desire to maintain its control over the direction of the life, the fears that human beings have, how easy it is for the mind to be able to jump in and start taking control and making decisions in the life. In understanding the purity of the natural world, it’s also there to inspire you. We, too, can return to the purity of that consciousness field, but not at that level obviously, we are different. We are far superior when it comes to the infrastructure mechanism for the potential of mental cognition. We have these tremendous brains. We have an extraordinary possibility of expression through the self-reflected process of mind.

Our dilemma is that mind has never been trained to see. Mind has only been trained to be in control of a runaway vehicle. And of course, the frustration or the anger or the disappointment or the bitterness that comes with being unable to hold onto this runaway vehicle and control it. Oh, how important it is to work with your mind, to exercise your mind, to recognize transference. For you to see clearly what is correct for you, to see what motivation lies underneath and to not allow it to drift. And it requires simply an attentive mind. Well “simply”, it’s a nice way of saying it. It’s quite a thing to get your mind to just stop being concerned about your life, stop insisting on wanting to make decisions.

The longer that I do this, I’ve tried so many ways to explain to people that when you use your strategy, decision making seems so straightforward. And that the mind cannot make the decision, it can’t. If your mind makes the decision you’ve lost your cognition. You do not have the right motivation. You cannot be the being that you’re intended to be. And you can only have that kind of attentiveness of mind when it’s relaxed, when it can kick up its feet in the back seat of the limo, make itself really comfy, have a nice, nice view and watch the movie. And watch the movie driven in the way that it’s correct so that you see with the perspective that is essential to the expression of your unique awareness. It is what we’re here for.

We’re not like the beast on the savanna. Oh yes, I can romanticize the beauty of the natural order, the beauty of the consciousness field in the grasp of the planetary program. But we’re much, much different than that. We are not here to herd and homogenize, to all run blindly in the program together. That’s ok if you’re sheep in the field. There is no other consequence. There is no awakening as a possibility. But for us to follow our motivation is to follow the road to our uniqueness, our unique mind and the beauty of our unique mind.

This is what it’s for. It’s for the seeing. And you see in context, the context that your motivation gives you. And it is that very seeing, what you can grasp from that, that you can express as outer authority, what gives you value to the other. There are so many relationships in a life, but what do you remember? The ones that gave you something, an inspiration, a truth, honesty, love, whatever, but that’s what we remember. It’s what means something to us. We all crave outer authority, unique outer authority, like children in a high school that pray that there will be a teacher that can turn them on, because it’s important for us. We need outer authority. But not just the old homogenized.

This is the time to break away from that, to express unique authority. You can only do that when you are properly motivated, correctly motivated. It is only then that you have access to the cognition underneath. It is only then that you can make intelligent observations, and your intelligence, your gift, your specialization." Ra Uru Hu

(Excerpted from "Color Consciousness: Beyond the Gate" by Ra Uru Hu)