Free Human Design Projector Success Secrets Webinar
Projector Success Secrets Webinar Training Excerpt
So if you're looking at the secrets for success for a projector, first things first, you've got a master system. If you have mastery of that system, why would anybody come to you for guidance? So mastery of the system study is first and foremost, that absolutely must be your top priority. The best investment you have in this life is not anything you own. It's right here, in your development of your personal potential to master a system and to guide others. So in order to recognize which one to go into and who you have to wait for the outside world reality to come to you first. Now, I tell you something. This gives you a lot of power because it means anybody that's not actually coming and knocking at your door. It's not your trip. You do not have to go chase after people. In fact, that gives you a lot less power when it comes to negotiating things when it comes to them honoring you for what you have to give.
Just think of it like this. Remember back in the day when we had kings and Queens and people would come and ask, they would ask for an audience. Imagine it like that. People need to ask for an audience with you and when they ask, invite, who has the power you do, you have the power and you need to use your gifts, your skills, your talent, and your way of seeing things to see if they recognize you for you and what you have to give projectors. Most of them have really big picture views, really broad perspectives that can see all the way down to the details. There's a lot of different ways that we are here to function. We are here to master our human environment and perfect that human environment, and so the biggest way we do that is discernment. What are your superpowers? What are your super strengths?
What are your super skills? The definition in your chart, the areas between those two colored in centers, whatever that channel happens to be, that's your super power. That's your gift. That's your skill. So how do you honor that? You stay away from making decisions out in the openness and you use that openness as wisdom. When you're partnered with another person, you make sure that you guide others to their authority by using an honoring your authority first and leading by example. We absolutely must do that for ourselves and for others guys and again, delegate. It's not for you to do everything yourself. No projector is an island. We're not here to be the team of one. A projector is always about a team of two, you and that other person in your life, in that moment, whoever it is that you're focusing on, so one of the things that we need to get really good at is learning how to ask questions, not leading questions.
"I see that you need to do this", so I'm going to ask "can you do this?" No. Go into questions that help that person align with who they are for themselves, if they're a Generator. Who they are for others, if they're a Projector. Help ask those questions. Give them your perspective. In right timing, we're recognized and invited. For me, when emotionally clear I can ask a question that unlocks the visible, energy that's there for the other person to see and that's so valuable and beneficial for other people. So the other success secret I want to pass onto you is taking care of yourself. I remember that was one of the challenges that we have here in the room right now is how do we take care of yourself first, how do you take care of yourself so that you're not drained by others? Well, I like to think of myself as a, as a pro athlete.
There's certain things that a professional athlete will absolutely take care of their body every single day, even if they're not training. They're resting consciously, mindfully, intentionally. So taking care of ourselves isanother big success secret. And again, I already mentioned if you're working with people one on one, that's where your super power, your super strength is every single one of those channels, with the exception of four of them, are designed to empower or share or support with that other person one person at a time. Okay? So if you continue on in this journey, I'm going to show you where and how your design is here to be successful. Okay? So defining extreme self care is a question that Jazz is asking. Yes, extreme self care means you make sure that you go to bed early. That's extreme, isn't it? In our, in our society where we're addicted to our, a items of watching TV or watching our facebook feed or youtube or whatever it happens to be in forcing a bed time is an extreme.
When I was younger, I was doing an Ironman Triathlon. And, in order to wake up in the morning at 5:00 so that I could be out there hitting the pavement first thing in the morning, I would have to go to bed early. So as a pro athlete, if you're going to get up and train the next day, sleep is the first imperative. The next piece is what you put in your body. Everything you absorb into your body, whether it be food, whether it be the programming that you decided to watch, whether it be a what you listened to on your daily commute, whether it be the people that you're with, it's almost like you're eating those people, so surrounding yourself with people who are in alignment with the success that you want to see for yourself is important as well, and I get it sometimes we don't have a choice. Where are you working? Where do you live, who you live with, but recognize that you need to protect your aura. Taking care of yourself like a pro athlete means you don't go and hang out in places where you can get contaminated with either food or drugs or people, even people that their frequency is unhealthy and not aligned with yours. Does that help? Yes. Okay, great. Thank you.
The #1 Human Design Projector Success Secret
The #1 Projector Success Secret is WHO is in Your Life.
Projectors make successful partnerships. Whether that is with their own or other Auric Types. BUT the who has to come into their lives correctly - through their life strategy of Recognition, Invitation and honoring their Authority.
And yet, from the point of view of the value of Human Design and what needs to be shared on the surface, it remains entirely focused here on Type and Strategy. It really is the whole story. And it’s the whole story in the sense that it is the synthesis of all the mechanical information that lies underneath. Everything about Type and Strategy is that it points us towards the only viable solution in terms of the being able to liberate the human spirit from the drudgery of the homogenized life and the dilemma of what it is to be not-self.
We are not equipped to simply be motivated by propaganda to transform our perception of life. It’s not enough for us to be moved, whether spirituality, religiously, mystically. The fact of the matter is that the mind is something that is helpless in being able to transform the life. And the only thing that truly aligns the life is the ability to be able to know where to find the essence of personal truth. I guess that’s really one of the most difficult places for a human being to go to. That is, to deny the possibility that the other has your truth. It takes a great deal of courage to be able to not only embrace your own Authority, but to live it. It is quite a thing to live your own Authority.
Ra Uru Hu
The video above is an excerpt of a recent live training I did. Here is the full transcript for the #1 Projector Success Secret!
LAVEENA: Welcome, I'm so excited that you're here and that we're having some fun now with looking at the Projector! This training is geared specifically for people who have taken LYD, ABC and are in Cartography, so there may be some qualities about what I'm saying, the ideas that I'm putting across it you may not be really familiar with if you haven't already taken those classes or you're not already in cartography.
So I've got my students here who are in Cartography right now and I'm going to ask you guys for your input after this presentation because this is going to be the first time I'm presenting the information that I've got prepared for you and I'm also gonna ask for your input. If you would like to share your chart and you don't mind being seen by other students.
I'm going to share this training with my Patreon community which is saved on youtube and then I put them in there. They're private and then I put them over to Patreon and then that way future students and people who are subscribers can also learn from the knowledge. So that's available to you guys. And we'll go do some chart work after I present to the information that I want to share with you. Does that sound good? Yeah? Okay, cool.
So, I want to show you what I've got prepared for you right now. We're looking at some Projector success secrets. I'm so excited because you're going to think that this is like super simple, but if you, if you don't know any of human design, it's kind of complex and you're like all over the place and you're lost.
If you're having challenges with succeeding and having challenges with enough energy, having challenges with your relationships, you're having challenges with making enough money. These are the secrets that are going to help you overcome that. You guys want to know what they are? There's only five, just five. I'm just so excited. Okay. Very first one who, who you are here to serve. So all of those projectors are designed to serve certain people and that is going to come through. We know this, our recognition and invitation, but let's redefine what recognition and invitation is because recognition and I don't want to say redefined, but just really established the boundary of what it is or the foundation of what it is. So that we're very, very clear on what recognition is and I want to invite you guys to go ahead and share with me too, if you have any inspirations, do you want to unmute and join the conversation?
This is not a lecture only piece. This is a communication of all of us, all of our wisdom, all of our knowledge, because you're in my classes, you've recognized me. Recognition comes with an energy exchange. It goes both ways. We have to have a recognition of an other in order to see how they can be made successful. Other people need to recognize our value to help them become successful. So it's a two way street.
Now invitation is another thing. One of the things I remember coming across human design in the very beginning and people going like, “Oh, I invite you to go do this or I invite you to go do that,” but they're not giving any kind of energy exchange to help support that invitation. So invitation comes with some kind of energy exchange. There's a give that comes from the other side that is going to help fuel your ability to succeed because we know as, as projectors, we don't have a constant connection with the sacral so we don't have a consistent ability to generate, we don't have consistent energy to manifest because we're not Manifestors (energy to the throat, consistent energy to make things happen).
So in order for us to fulfill our purpose, for us to serve, we have to have first the recognition-two way street. Then the invitation that comes with some kind of energy exchange. Is that clear for everybody and what do you have to add to that particular piece? If there is anything that you would like to share, an example that comes to mind, something that really, helped you recognize how this works for, for you now, if you've been in my classes, you've heard me talk about this before, you've heard me talk about who you are here to serve, which we know through recognition invitation, that's how we are invited into energy, experiences, communion with other people. So…
KENNETH: Our Aura focused and absorbing, and penetrating the core of a person. So, if it's not invited, we can become bitter and it can be too much for people to handle. Honestly. A lot of people don't want to go that deep and they don't want to get that honest and they don't want to face that or to be seen in that way. So if it's not invited it, it'll just have you know, an opposite effect of what we're trying to intend. to.
LAVEENA: Yeah, it can drive people away. Great add to that, because we know that for us, the way that we can penetrate into the core of a person, it's not just their identity center, it's actually the entire auric field of a being. We get in there and we go deep, like we really are curious, insatiably, curious. That's what drives all of those projected channels that we have. All of those channels that are projected in the design are curious about the other person can help the other person succeed. So that energy is focused, penetrating, absorbing, bringing in the conditioning, which allows us to recognize. Very specific conditioning that allows us to recognize. So everything for us has to be about discernment of the right other. The biggest projector success secret is the right other and all of this is giving you how to discern which is the right other. Now this is just the beginning. This is the foundation of fundamentals. There's more stuff we'll talk about beyond that as far as how you discern, but that's the first step. Our success depends on who we have in our lives. Anyone else have anything that they want to share before we move onto this next piece?
JULIE: I just wanted to say that I get asked a lot, the question about -and so I thank you for bringing it up- the question about the projector and a lot of people have a misconception that it only goes into the G of the other person, so, and it's a whole auric field exchange and that's one of the differences between the open g and then the Projector because the open g goes, it's the reading of the G, it goes into the GE, but projectors go into the whole aura.
LAVEENA: Yeah, that is such a good point to make. And to reinforce, Julie, thank you for saying that because what we are as beings are not designed to operate independently and I think that's one of the key pieces that once you recognize you are not an island, you don't have to do everything yourself.
You're not here to be all about you. It's about the collaboration with the other person. Of course, in alignment with what your design is here to do.
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Secrets of being a "Non-Sacral" Projector, Manifestor or Reflector
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Being Authentic in the Generator's World
If you are a Manifestor (Innovator Career Type), Projector (Advisor Career Type) or Reflector (Evaluator Career Type), do you find yourself tired more often than not?
As one of the approximately 33% of humans who are non-Sacral, If you are chronically tired or often exhausted, this Human Design article might be one of the most important you ever read. Suspend your judgment if you are new to Human Design... experiment and see for yourself.
Photo courtesy JovianArchive
The primary thing non-Sacral Beings have in common is the lack of definition in the Sacral Center. However, the similarity stops there. Non-Sacral beings can be as different as night and day—indeed, 1% of the population are Lunar beings, the Reflectors. They are here to be the evaluators of who is different, and they experience life very differently compared to the rest of us who are what Ra termed "Solar beings."
We Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors, we non-Sacral beings, have a tendency to be addicted to the Generator's yummy sacral energy. What happens when we identify with this live-force and amplify it for long periods of time is we end up living not as ourselves, but as false super-Generators, and end up burned-out. If you're a non-Sacral, do you recognize this?
Imagine a really hard-working, overzealous super-worker who never knows when to quit when it comes to work, play, and sex. Perhaps slaving after others, thinking we need to do something ourselves or it won't be done right.
We non-Sacrals just never know when enough is enough. We can be ignorant of (when we are younger) or distraught about our inability to keep up sustained activity without severe detriment to our health. Chronic levels of energy depletion, fatigue, physical and mental exhaustion, burnout, and frequent illnesses are often the results. Lack of self-esteem because we can't keep up with the pace of the world (this is especially true for the non-energy Types, Projectors and Reflectors).
We live in a homogenized world inundated with messages such as "You can do anything you put your mind to," and "Nothing worth having comes easy" with varying beliefs exalting the virtues of hard work. However, this world does not know that some of us are simply not built to be vitalized by work or find it energizing, even when we may truly enjoy what we do.
The Work/Life Balance Myth
There's a flawed assumption in our western society that "work" is draining and non-work is automatically restorative. It's not true.
Can you remember a time in your life when you became so completely absorbed in and energized by a task that it just didn't feel like work?
Can you remember a time when you came back from the holiday and felt like you needed to recover from your vacation before going back to work?
Doing what you love for work and play, as well as intelligently managing your energy is good advice no matter your Type. However, it is essential for non-Sacral beings to manage their time and precious energy in a way that supports their body that is vastly different from a Generator’s.
It can be a real eye-opener to stop the running on the treadmill of "keeping up with the Joneses," to take stock of your life and allow yourself to enter into anything only according to your Strategy and Authority, rather than what your mind thinks you should do.
What I found personally is that it took a long time to let go of from the guilt-ridden feeling I had that I needed to work really hard to prove my value as a person.
What you may find as you begin to enter into more things that are in alignment with your true essence is your life becomes more vitalizing to you instead of draining. Rather than being dragged down by resistance that comes when you are operating from the mind, there is a vibrancy, a sense of clarity and purpose that emanates from your being. You become more at ease in your skin. The decisions you make lead to the perfect balance of restorative or depleting activities for you. You begin to live your true purpose.
No Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector has a mechanism for knowing when to quit. When deeply conditioned, we can ignore our body’s warning signs and “keep on keeping on” until we simply, physically, literally just can't go on anymore. This is one of the most dangerous things you can do as far as your health is concerned if you are non-Sacral. You need to create boundaries around business and mating, even things you do for fun. Implement healthy habits and use protective techniques that honor the inconsistency of your energy. You're not here to labor hard, but rather, to learn to be wise about work and the efficient use of energy.
Work Tips for Non-Sacrals
Delegating and outsourcing are wise practices for a non-Sacral. Remember that you are not the one to be doing, doing, doing and going, going, going all the time. An objection that may come up is—"but someone needs to do all these things! If not me, then who?" My answer to this is that you may have to change your mind about how your live should be lived. Are you ready for a real change in perspective, and therefore, your experience of life? Here's the secret: You've got to learn let go of believing what your mind is saying inside your head about yourself to be the end-all-be-all of Truth for you.
It’s helpful to learn to manage your energy more efficiently through following Strategy and Authority rather than initiating from the dictates of your mind. You mind is here to measure and be of value to others, NOT to make decisions for you about your life. Learn the values of planning and prioritizing, as well as refraining from over-committing—which can happen when you don’t know when enough is enough.
Photo courtesy of Jovian Archive. Be sure to read the free ebook I co-authored there! =)
Accept that things get done when they get done—and it’s all ok. Mastering the discipline of following your Strategy and Authority provides correct timing and discernment.
Each non-Sacral is here for a very particular purpose according to their unique design. Manifestors are here to initiate and inform and have impact. Projectors are here to know others, advise and guide the process. Reflectors are here to be barometers of the health of their community and let us know how everything is going.
No matter how enjoyable or vitalizing you may find your work or play, you are not designed to sustain consistent effort or output of energy over the long term without adequate periods of rest (generally more than what sacral beings require). What works best for non-Sacrals is living a lifestyle that provides a unique balance. What you do to support yourself materially needs to allow you the flexibility of controlling when and how you work, and compensates you according to the value you bring to the table. Caring for your body and respecting its limitations are critical to your health and well-being as a non-Sacral Type.
Though everyone can be prone to overwork and fatigue through over commitment, non-Sacrals need to pay special attention to get regular and possibly prolonged periods of rest to avoid burnout. All Types find different kinds of activities assist their recovery. Participate in the activities that renew your energy, rather than add additional stress or drain you.
Dispelling the Energy Vampire Myth
Ra would often joke about us as “parasites,” saying that Generators are the Life-Force of the planet and that without them, life would perish. A common misunderstanding of the mechanics that arises among newcomers (which can happen when words or phrases can be taken out of context and spread) is that non-Sacrals are energy vampires.
When you look at a Human Design bodygraph, you can see the juxtaposition of the neutrino imprinting (which is colored in) with your receptivity (which is white). The white areas are where you are receptive to conditioning—you amplify that energy. Just as giving someone a hug doesn't drain the love out of them, but creates more feelings of love, so too do our undefined centers amplify the energy of the beings we are around. Just as a non-emotional being amplifies the emotional energy of the defined Solar Plexus being, we non-Sacrals do not drain Sacral beings of energy but rather, magnify it.
Frequency Distortion
When you turn speakers up very loud, the sound becomes distorted; so too can that sacral energy get distorted within you if you are amplifying sacral energy beyond your capacity to handle it. It can then be draining to others who are experiencing your frequency in a way that is not in alignment with your true nature.
We all put into others the frequency of our Aura; our definition is what we are broadcasting. ANY person can be "off" in frequency, and taking that in can be very uncomfortable where you are open. This can be why you feel drained rather than energized when you are around other people, or if you are in their presence for too long.
Just as you as a non-Sacrals is not designed to work hard for extended periods, neither are you designed to be exposed to the power of the Sacral amplified in your system 24/7. A Generator’s powerful energy can “fry your circuits” if you don’t give yourself breaks from it.
To know when enough is enough, follow your body by using Strategy and Authority in decision-making. Living your design allows the body's innate knowing to guide you. This is preferable to using the deeply conditioned mind which leads you off our true path and often into dangerous territory. Switching to following the body is a difference in frequency you can FEEL in your form. Fatigue, burnout, and exhaustion are frequent body signposts when you do not manage your personal energy resources wisely. You aren't designed for the Generator lifestyle.
Photo by JovianArchive
Sleep Alone
One of the more controversial (to newcomers) yet highly recommended and valuable practices the Human Design System has to offer is sleeping in your own Aura. Experiment with distancing yourself from the Aura of others at a set bedtime. Not only will this allow your system the break that it needs to discharge the energy of others, but it will allow you space and time to wind down and ease yourself into sleep.
You may find that this break gives you time for your system to settle and to clean out your Aura.
Your body can more fully recharge and rejuvenate when you are not revved up by being around others. Your sleep time is when you are most vulnerable to conditioning. Give yourself the gift of space to go to sleep alone—see how it works to improve your energy levels over time.
Strategy and Authority
Are you ready for a change in your life? Would you like to try something really different and see if it works? Follow Strategy and Authority to establish healthy boundaries around the themes of the Sacral; particularly in work, play, and sex. Rather than being always available for these things, be very discerning in using your inconsistent energy. Following Strategy and Authority are the only ways to protect you from falling into the trap of the mind and living out the homogenization of the conditioned world.
When you trust in your design, you'll get the most fulfilling life—the career, friends, experiences, places to live and lovers that are exactly right for you. Trust the process of watching rather than attempting to control your life movie. Experience your differentiation—the life you were born for, that only your authentic self can live.
A version of this article appeared originally on under the name Andrea Abay-Abay, updated and republished with permission.